
New member
19 Dec 2016
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Kinda normal that there is a bit of confusion given the circumstances, and I guess foreign yachties are not the top priority for the authorities right now.

In general it seems that if incoming boats want to "stay" they are allowed to, but not allowed to go ashore or clear immigration until the border reopens

Maybe the local officials are being more flexible with some EU flagged boats, or maybe just a different definition of "stay"?

for example:

Crew of century-old vessel “with nowhere to go” after being denied entry to Portimão - Portugal Resident

seems they are allowed to wait at anchor until the reopen the border, but they don't want to, what says the forum, should we have any sympathy at all for them??


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26 Jan 2004
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That's the same info noonsite posted a while back , I guess it came from the Portuguese web site .
I'm In the same mind as most which is sit still until info comes from official,
but even when we do get official information it's offen confusing to the extend that local officials don't know what it means .
It's not unusual that once a new ruling made that over the next few days some time week the government have to keep clarify legal situation to law inforcement , how can they expect the guy on the street to understand it .
By the way if we'd believe that report the skipper lives in Portugal, under the repatriation rule why are they not letting him at less stay .


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24 May 2012
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Speaking just for Portugal.

It is not what the rules say; it is the way the official confronted interpenetrates those rules. Possibly they haven't even had access to the rules, in which case, they are quite likely to make up their own.

Once these 'rules' are stated they will be 'set in stone' so there is no point in arguing; that will only make your predicament worst.
This is the way Portugal is but they are not alone. I hear that some police in the UK has been operating outside the law, imposing fines.

Back to the case in point; sailing under a flag of convenience (the Marshall Islands) may not have helped and was the skipper a Portuguese resident? If not, as soon as I contacted Portimao, I would have requested temporary residency - a game changer.

Whatever, Portiamao is not a port of refuge so confronted with this situation, I would have departed Portiamao, contacted Lagos, 10 nms to the west (which is a port of refuge and under a different jurisdiction) and as a vessel in transit, requested help.

It will be interesting to see how this pans out.


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26 Jun 2013
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That's the same info noonsite posted a while back , I guess it came from the Portuguese web site .
I'm In the same mind as most which is sit still until info comes from official,
but even when we do get official information it's offen confusing to the extend that local officials don't know what it means .
It's not unusual that once a new ruling made that over the next few days some time week the government have to keep clarify legal situation to law inforcement , how can they expect the guy on the street to understand it .
By the way if we'd believe that report the skipper lives in Portugal, under the repatriation rule why are they not letting him at less stay .
The actual wording translated is available in here if you dig a little, >
Emergency Legislation | Safe Communities Portugal


Well-known member
24 May 2012
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That's the same info noonsite posted a while back , I guess it came from the Portuguese web site .
I'm In the same mind as most which is sit still until info comes from official,
but even when we do get official information it's often confusing to the extend that local officials don't know what it means .
It's not unusual that once a new ruling made that over the next few days some time week the government have to keep clarify legal situation to law enforcement , how can they expect the guy on the street to understand it .
By the way if we'd believe that report the skipper lives in Portugal, under the repatriation rule why are they not letting him at less stay .

The news paper report is confusing stating that the vessel took 37 days from Cuba to Portugal but the skipper claimed to have been at sea for 55 days?

The skipper's girl-friend lives in Portugal but he appears to have spent a lot of time at sea. Possibly more to this than first meets the eye?


Well-known member
26 Jan 2004
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The news paper report is confusing stating that the vessel took 37 days from Cuba to Portugal but the skipper claimed to have been at sea for 55 days?

The skipper's girl-friend lives in Portugal but he appears to have spent a lot of time at sea. Possibly more to this than first meets the eye?
Like most news papers reports there alway a mix of confusion and agree there probably much more to this story just like all the others before it .
Looks like Italy may open up from June ,


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25 Jan 2020
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This boat spends a long time in Portimao boatyard and is a Very good customer! I would be very surprised if there are any problems that can not be solved. And yes Sven's girlfriend is local.

I have just seen Joseph Conrad is now berthed at Tivoli Hotel pontoon Portimao. So they were obviously allowed in.
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Well-known member
25 Jan 2020
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Basically same as Sicily , you do know your allowed if your contract in the marina runs out your allowed to go to Another marina as long as you have a contract ready with them.
A French yacht went out on Sunday half hour later he was back in the CG call him back .
Looks like June 4th sailing anywhere in Italy will be allowed! My neighbour from Texas is sailing for mainland on Tuesday and will not have to quarantine or anything.