Construction of Hatch Garage ...


Well-known member
13 Sep 2008
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OK ... some may follow the yards progress in revamping my modest motor sailer .... Sunrider25.

New Rubbing strakes, new sprayhood, dodgers, mainsail cover etc.

Work is proceeding and I really look forward to many more years of good use of Superanne.

One of the items yard has shown ... possible construction of Hatch Garage to help secure forward edge of sprayhood.

Original hood had a length of bungee in the leading hem that basically stretched over the hatch. This of course wears each time hatch is moved ... and was never good.

Yard has moved the hood frame mounts 3cm forward and this has actually improved the sit of the frame. They have also fitted a temp 'bridge' over the hatch to simulate a 'garage'. It works well ... something that I never thought would.


The ply piece is only a scrap piece to test the idea ...

My post here is to ponder the idea of a full hatch garage in ply ... or just a bridge affair to carry the hood leading edge.

To be a full affair - would mean quite a large sheet area ... probably in plywood with laminating epoxy resin to seal / strengthen. Then painted to blend in with deck. I would not bring hatch all way back to companionway entrance as that would then prevent removal of hatch for re-varnishing etc.
But it opens up possibility of plotter mount etc.

Thoughts all welcome ..... (I would suggest though ... I am a dab hand at GRP / laminating work - but this I feel needs a wood based approach as its an old boat ...

So fire away ... I'm listening


Well-known member
13 Sep 2008
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Hi Roger ... funny you post that ... I sent a clipped picture of your very nice garage to the yard ...

But told them - I don't want to pay out so much for it ... plain resin coated ply would be ok for me !!

I have a huge bill already ... in fact bill will likely exceed boats value. Such is sentimental attachment.


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10 Nov 2007
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This is the one I made for my Eventide. Iroko sides and front. Central fore and aft beam also iroko and ply top (8mm from memory). Flange around the bottom and screwed down to coachroof so removeable. Drain holes in the flange in case any water got in. Lot of work but end result very good.

Anyone still interested in teak decking, this was the deck I laid, glued and caulked with SabaIMG_20140101_020254.jpgIMG_20140101_020154.jpg. Photo taken 5 years after laying but just had a good clean. Cockpit seats teak veneer laid on epoxy with epoxy/graphite caulking. About 25 years old at this point. Doing much the same on the GH but using polyurethane this time instead of epoxy.


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10 Nov 2007
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Every time I dig out photos I wonder why I sold it until I remember the number of times I banged bits of me on bits of it and struggled with its wayward low speed handling. My GH gives much the same experience but with less banged bits and hopefully less long term maintenance.


Well-known member
13 Sep 2008
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Every time I dig out photos I wonder why I sold it until I remember the number of times I banged bits of me on bits of it and struggled with its wayward low speed handling. My GH gives much the same experience but with less banged bits and hopefully less long term maintenance.

I have loads of paperwork from the ET Assoc and plan links etc.

I have always had a soft spot for the Waterwitch ...

But TBH - its not a boat I would want here due to the severe winters ....


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28 Jul 2003
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I am not familiar with spray hood etc. However it seems to me the primary problem is to seal the front bottom edge of the hood where sliding hatch goes under the edge. Yes a garage would enable the bottom edge of the spray hood top be sealed to garage and hence deck. It is however only the deck space from spray hood bottom to front of hatch travel that is the problem. Not sure of that distance but not the entire hatch size. I wonder if a skirt of hood material might not make a cover, spray hood base forward to limit of hatch travel. To seal from water getting under. You could make a wood or even wire bridge to lift the skirt up off the hatch. Just a thought. ol'will.


25 Sep 2020
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OK ... some may follow the yards progress in revamping my modest motor sailer .... Sunrider25.

New Rubbing strakes, new sprayhood, dodgers, mainsail cover etc.

Work is proceeding and I really look forward to many more years of good use of Superanne.

One of the items yard has shown ... possible construction of Hatch Garage to help secure forward edge of sprayhood.

Original hood had a length of bungee in the leading hem that basically stretched over the hatch. This of course wears each time hatch is moved ... and was never good.

Yard has moved the hood frame mounts 3cm forward and this has actually improved the sit of the frame. They have also fitted a temp 'bridge' over the hatch to simulate a 'garage'. It works well ... something that I never thought would.


The ply piece is only a scrap piece to test the idea ...

My post here is to ponder the idea of a full hatch garage in ply ... or just a bridge affair to carry the hood leading edge.

To be a full affair - would mean quite a large sheet area ... probably in plywood with laminating epoxy resin to seal / strengthen. Then painted to blend in with deck. I would not bring hatch all way back to companionway entrance as that would then prevent removal of hatch for re-varnishing etc.
But it opens up possibility of plotter mount etc.

Thoughts all welcome ..... (I would suggest though ... I am a dab hand at GRP / laminating work - but this I feel needs a wood based approach as its an old boat ...

So fire away ... I'm listening
Had mine made in 3 mm aluminum and integrated a solar panel 60 Watts on top protected with 8 mm acrclic


Well-known member
13 Sep 2008
Far away from hooray henrys
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The Sprayhood will prevent using the 'garage' as a Solar panel surface .. pity as I have a panel to mount.

Yard has basically said they will design / create the new sprayhood and 'bridge' over hatch ... but 'garage' is a later affair ... which TBH - I think is best idea. We discussed and I suggested that we continue as per original plan and then once boat is back in use - will have better idea of what to do.
Yard is proposing to use same American Red Oak as the rubbing strakes to create the 'bridge'. So at least that will be strong.

So guys an gals ... ideas - keep 'em coming !!


Well-known member
10 Nov 2007
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This was our solution to the bottom of the sprayhood over the sliding hatch. The batten holds the shape well. When (if) I get round to building the garage this will obviously be reconfigured to fit.



Well-known member
3 Nov 2001
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My prom canopy if attached to the aft end og my garage using a rope mold (like a jib attachment to rolling reeving foil.

T then mounted a 50 watt solar panel over the hatch garage to keep my engine start battery charged when we are away from the boat