connecting vdo guages


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7 Feb 2004
Port Bannatyne
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just re-installed a Ford BSD442 engine into a fishing boat after overhaul. The original wiring loom was refitted after remaking all the terminations. The engine starts and runs ok but I can't get the guages and warning lamps to work properly. The warningt lamp stays on all the time unless I disconnect the wire at the sender. The oil pressure sender is a three spade affair connected to warning lamp and pressure guage - the guage gives no indication of pressure. The wiring to this sender consists of 2 blacks joined together, which I assume is a common ground, and two seperate coloured wires, which I've traced back to the guage and lamp. I've tried all permutations of the three but to no avail. I think the guage, part of a vdo cluster which looks very new, is ok - it displays full scale deflection when it's wire is left disconnected. The sender unit is old and rattles when shaken - I don't know what's inside these things but it's possibly faulty.
The temp displays also don't work. Two senders on the cyl head, each with two spade terminals. Both have black and colour wires, and I've traced these back to guage and lamp. Same problem - no indication at the guage, and lamp on all the time.
When the ignition is on the lamps and sounder all light up as normal, but don't extinguish when the engine is started.
Any ideas anyone? What kind of voltage and resistance values should I read off these sensors?


Active member
23 Aug 2003
Brighton, UK
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In addition to connections to the equipment, a lot of engines also have an earthing strap to a point on the engine block. This strap used to be a flat interwoven copper, but may not be used these days. (a while since I last crawled under a car!). Suggest having a look at a vehicle with the same engine to just check.