New member
Is it reasonabe to assume that the faster a boat goes the more room it takes up ?
I think that as catamarans, racing yachts and power boats come under this category, they should pay a congestion charge for this benefit, particularly in crowded areas.
This seems reasonable as the forthcoming London experiment is following this format i.e. motorbikes free of charge etc.
This tax could be collected via sailmakers with a formula based on waterline length/sail area and tax on marine engines/outboards using waterline/hp.
I think that as catamarans, racing yachts and power boats come under this category, they should pay a congestion charge for this benefit, particularly in crowded areas.
This seems reasonable as the forthcoming London experiment is following this format i.e. motorbikes free of charge etc.
This tax could be collected via sailmakers with a formula based on waterline length/sail area and tax on marine engines/outboards using waterline/hp.