Colin Jones / iphone app / PBO


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7 Sep 2009
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Read with interest Colin's article on the iphone app and haave duly downloaded both the Navionics and Shipfinder.

However, he says he can use Exmouth AIS centre on shipfinder. Well, I cant. It doesnt exist so I cant see what the vessels bobbing around of Bury head are up to. He also says his facebook entry is the one with a model helo on it, well I cant find that either.

I know these articles are often bought many months before they are printed, but this cant have been that long ago surely???

Anyone else tried this stuff? Anyone got a link to Colin? The CW owners site of Abemema stuff was last updated just after they slipped the mooring next to Noah and the animals, or it looked that way when I last looked.



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30 May 2001
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Read with interest Colin's article on the iphone app and haave duly downloaded both the Navionics and Shipfinder.

However, he says he can use Exmouth AIS centre on shipfinder. Well, I cant. It doesnt exist so I cant see what the vessels bobbing around of Bury head are up to. He also says his facebook entry is the one with a model helo on it, well I cant find that either.

I know these articles are often bought many months before they are printed, but this cant have been that long ago surely???

Anyone else tried this stuff? Anyone got a link to Colin? The CW owners site of Abemema stuff was last updated just after they slipped the mooring next to Noah and the animals, or it looked that way when I last looked.


Colin is contactable by PM, he spends winters at home in Dorset and summers away in France, so he is around and about at the moment. There is another CW site which seems to be set up to help sell Abemama.


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7 Sep 2009
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Bitman, I think so. I downloaded it yesterday. Mind you Colin calls it navionics Gold, but navionics dont call it that so it looks like things have moved on.


Caer Urfa

Well-known member
28 Aug 2006
There is another CW site which seems to be set up to help sell Abemama.

For the Record:
Colins Jones original Colvic Watson site was over run with spam and in the end required him to spend to much of his time on it.
On the 7th April 2006 with Colins agreement the site was taken over by the 'Colvic Watson Owners Group' by founder Jerry Hawkins.
Like many other Boat owner sites and associations we also have a section for 'Boats for Sale' and Abemama was added to the list with others.
The group is still free to join dedicated to all Colvic Watson Motor Sailers of all sizes and flags and the group has gone from strength to strength and currently has 276 members.

With regard to Colins iphone article I will stick to using my plotter thanks (at least I can see it!) and use my ipod for what it was realy intended to do and play great music!

Archivist for the Colvic Watson Owners Group
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3 Nov 2005
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iphone/ ipod

I think all the Apps are for the Iphone, so somewhat more usable than with an Ipod!

I dont have an Iphone, but #1 daughter does and the screen & gen usability is certainly better than the Maptech set up on my Windows PDA/GPS phone, which I still find usable, albeit a little restricted.

Wouldn't want to have it as principal routefinder but great as an addition/back up.


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17 Nov 2001
Lyme Regis, Dorset
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apologies ffrom C J

Plerase accept my apologies for any confusion, but I have only just noticed this thread. All the contributors are correct.

The Navionics App is super value for money and has most of the Navionics Gold features. It is not intended as the boat's principal navigator, but has other uses and is great fun. I am still finding things to do with this app and the iPhone in general.

I am not a Facebook addict, but I have posted several routes and linked photographs under my (colin jones) name. There are too many of us in Clan Jones, so individuals get lost. The entry with the iPhone stuff has a model helicopter as its caption pic.

Memory-Map are also adding some interesting stuff to the armoury, including a free cartography download which, possibly like the Navionics approach to marketing, hopes to persuade you that the full package is available for a man-size chart plotter. M-M has several websites.

The Abemama website ( ran into problems, so I had to delete several of the pages accrued over 15 yars of PBO research and adventures, but I will reinstate them when I have time. The Winter ashore passes very quickly.

This info etc will be at the new url <> At the moment this is chiefly concerned with selling the boat... whilst we look for something different, but it will grow to add technical stuff about CWs and nav gear in general.

There is also some information at <> which will be of particular interest to anybody using both means of transport, but it also has info about accessories, small rigid hull yacht tenders and the super new range of more powerful batteries and electric outboards coming onto the market. This site is also growing in size and interest as time permits to do the work on it.


15 Jul 2004
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navionics chart - what size iphone?

I remember Colin's article about the iphone charts and we're about to get an iphone partly for this purpose and also for easier access to weather info from the boat (in the Med). (We need internet access for income generation activity anyway and these goodies mean the iphone looks a better option than the faithful Blackberry).
So the question is - which size iphone - 8gb or 16gb????


15 Jul 2004
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Not planning to use it for music as have ipod for that. Some photos, some apps, the navionics charts of the Med.
Lots of emails. Some docs.
I'm thinking 8gb might do but will go 16 if necessary ...


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15 Nov 2004
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THere is a noticable speed difference between the xG and the xGS .... 8 is only available in G where as 16 is available in both G & GS, 32 is only available in GS ...


Well-known member
3 Jul 2002
At sea somewhere.
I was out on the water yesterday and playing with the Navionics Chart plotter ap on my i-phone. Does anyone know if it does COG and SOG? I couldn't find it, but I didn't look too long. Is there another app' that will do SOG and COG? I have a 3GS i-phone so I assume that it has a GPS built in. Its eats its own battery though...
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