Check for water in cylinder


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24 Mar 2013
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Hi all, following a heat exchanger failure on a VP D2-40 I am concerned that I may have had some coolant get into the cylinders. I found water in the exhaust manifold when I took the heat exchanger off - and in at least 2 of the exhaust ports on the engine block. I’m worried that if I try and start it up with water in a cylinder it could cause no end of damage with the high pressure. Or can I simply operate the injector stop lever so that it won’t fire up and see if it will crank over under starter motor. I don’t know whether that is powerful enough to do damage or whether it would “just” hydraulically lock if there was water in a cylinder.

Any suggestions on how to check and clear out if necessary? I was thinking of removing the injectors and seeing if I could look inside each cylinder using an endoscope camera. Not sure if that would work or if there are better ways?


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24 Mar 2013
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Remove the injectors and then turn the engine over and this will shoot any water out of the injector holes
Thanks. Two follow on questions if I may
1) To the extent it doesn’t get every last drop out I assume it shouldn’t stop it firing up and any remaining water will evaporate off more or less instantly?
2) I’ve never removed injectors before but hear they can be a b*gger to get out. Any tips on that (or a recommendation for a cheap puller that fits a VP D2)?



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3 Nov 2001
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Yes injectors can be a bugger to get out. There are injector removal tools but have never used one.

The one thing to consider is to replace the copper washers for new ones when the injectors are replaced to get a good seal.

Have you determined if the is a leak allowing water to get into the cylinder.

I have pressure tested each cylinder to see if there are any leaks from the cylinder to find out if there are any leaks into or out of the cylinder

U Tube has some videos that show how to do this that will test several types of cylinder leakage from rings, valves and the cylinder head