Changes @ Fox`s Electronics Dept


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20 Sep 2006
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I believe Henry is the one with the posh accent. If so, then I can do nothing but sing his praises - frequently, out loud and in tune. I was after some cockpit speakers but concerned about magnetic shielding (they sit under the tiller pilot). Not only did he dig out all the manufacturers specs which didnt really help much, but on seeing me waving a handheld compass near the speakers (to gauge magnetic effect), he happily agreed to wire up a Raymarine ST2000 (which I use) and conduct a test of all the speakers they had in the shop. I went for those giving the least interference, which were the second cheapest on offer. Top bloke, top customer service, not pushy, oh and I got the discout using the foxs discount card too. Great result.


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21 May 2003
Here or thertemp ashore
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I believe Henry is the one with the posh accent. If so, then I can do nothing but sing his praises - frequently, out loud and in tune. I was after some cockpit speakers but concerned about magnetic shielding (they sit under the tiller pilot). Not only did he dig out all the manufacturers specs which didnt really help much, but on seeing me waving a handheld compass near the speakers (to gauge magnetic effect), he happily agreed to wire up a Raymarine ST2000 (which I use) and conduct a test of all the speakers they had in the shop. I went for those giving the least interference, which were the second cheapest on offer. Top bloke, top customer service, not pushy, oh and I got the discout using the foxs discount card too. Great result.

George previously ran the Electronics Dept ( installations ) he is now IC all Electronics & knows his onions ;)


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15 Feb 2005
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Can vouch for George - a dour Scot who speaks monosyllabically; but does, as Roger says, know his stuff.


Active member
14 Feb 2009
Home = Norfolk, Boat = The Wash
George has taken over overall responsibility with Henry helping out.
John ( who assisted or not ) has left the company.
Fox`s were aware of ECF comments ;)

I found Henry helpful when it suited him. When i had a problem he was far from helpful. Johns was next to clueless.

So, perhaps changes for the better.

If Foxes have listened to customers, either on ECF or elsewhere, then good for them. All other company departments i have dealt with have been first class. Had a boat lifted in from road transport about 3 years ago and JJ and the yard staff were absolutely top notch.


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3 Sep 2001
N London, and boat in Suffolk
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I believe Henry is the one with the posh accent. If so, then I can do nothing but sing his praises - frequently, out loud and in tune. I was after some cockpit speakers but concerned about magnetic shielding (they sit under the tiller pilot). Not only did he dig out all the manufacturers specs which didnt really help much, but on seeing me waving a handheld compass near the speakers (to gauge magnetic effect), he happily agreed to wire up a Raymarine ST2000 (which I use) and conduct a test of all the speakers they had in the shop. I went for those giving the least interference, which were the second cheapest on offer. Top bloke, top customer service, not pushy, oh and I got the discout using the foxs discount card too. Great result.

Another vote for Henry Stogdon - grade 1 service provider. "the one with the posh accent?" you mean he doesn't sound like a mangleworzle?

Fox's had a bit of a fallow period, but all I hear now suggests they've found the winch handle....

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