New member
I appear to be suffering a significant leak from the joint where my sterntube enters a bulkhead that has the sterngland on the other side. The leak appears to because of my sterntube being loose.
However turning it clockwise into the bulkhead and out of the cutlass bearing end does not appear to tighten it and I am afraid of turning the tube too much and unscrewing it from the cutlass bearing end with the obvious disastrous influx of water. Would be grateful for any advice particularly regards which way you screw it to tighten the tube up and hopefully stop the serious leak.
However turning it clockwise into the bulkhead and out of the cutlass bearing end does not appear to tighten it and I am afraid of turning the tube too much and unscrewing it from the cutlass bearing end with the obvious disastrous influx of water. Would be grateful for any advice particularly regards which way you screw it to tighten the tube up and hopefully stop the serious leak.