Please give me indications (if not you)about CD-learning (editors addresses) in the issues: anchoring, coastal navigation...etc Thanks a lot in advance.
I think the CD that Audrey Taylor referred to in your other posting is the one that we've got. Costs £49.90 and is on the RYA website although we actually bought ours at the Southampton Boat Show last year from the Captain O M Watts stand. Tel 0171 493 4633, fax 0171 495 0755. They take credit cards.
Th CD's called 'The Complete Course. Competent Crew; Day Skipper; Yachtmaster. I've not used it myself but my wife says it's good and well worth the money. It says there's over 650 pictures etc includes chart extracts and questions based on the RYA course papers. My wife is on page 110 of the course and is certainly not at the end. Not sure how long it is, though.
Many thanks Richard! See my comments answered to Audrey and that I forward equally to you. I'll follow your wife's example and try in practice to monitor respective improvements (afterwords), in Atlantic waters!!!!