many of his facts are substantially correct but how much are your oil changes costing you in relation to your overall spend on owning a boat/truck/car and maintaining it.... why would you fit a bypass filter to stop /extend oil changes?? Are the bypass filter manufacturers going to pay for a replacement engine when yours dies due to poor lubrication due to the owner extending the time between changes till the engine self destructs I don't think so.. fitting this is a gamble if it works OK............ but.......... if it fails your out of pocket big time. Bypass filters to me are like snake oil.
In 1923 when by pass filters were invented cars ran on straight oil, no multigrade no detergent systems.. bypass filters simply sucked up the dirt and sludge that the oil could not carry......Things have changed oil has become much more scientific with viscosity improvers and detergents and other wear protecting additives over time these get depleted hence the need for oil changes and fitting a bypass filter and extending the time between oil changes does not put these additives back in the oil.