buying a secondhand boat - long post!

Phoenix of Hamble

Active member
28 Aug 2003
East Coast

As I am in the process of tracking down my ideal boat, and as a consequence I have been putting together a check list of things to look at and check when viewing potential purchases.... its grown a little, and quite frankly, become a little anal /forums/images/icons/crazy.gif, but I thought that others might benefit from this (exhaustive) list of things to check

Now clearly, some things are more important than others, but this way, you can be quite sure that you've missed nothing obvious....

Please let me know if you think I've missed anything!

If anyone wants a copy in Excel, then PM me with your e-mail addy, and I'll send a copy...


boat check list

bilges - wet or dry
bilges - odour free
bilges - clean

hull - epoxied to boot topping
hull - signs of osmosis
hull - general condition/cracks etc
hull - around keel
hull - keel bolts
hull - transducers
hull - p bracket
hull - rudder mounts
hull - through hull fittings
hull - seacocks
hull - deck/hull joint
hull - coach roof condition - soft?
hull - non slip condition
hull - rust marks?
hull - bulkhead integrity/location
hull - anchor locker condition
hull - mountings for winches
hull - mountings for other
hull - paint condition

engine - mounts
engine - external condition
engine - impellor cover condition
engine - fan belt condition
engine - rust visible?
engine - oil? - condition
engine - filters?
engine - accessibility
engine - alternator condition
engine - oil leaks?
engine - bilges under engine?
engine - hours
engine - age
engine - manufacturer
engine - linkages

gearbox - oil?
gearbox - leaks?
gearbox - shaft condition
gearbox - stern glands
gearbox - retainers on shaft to prevent dropping
gearbox - linkages

rigging - bottle screws
rigging - bottle screws in safety zone?
rigging - shroud wire
rigging - date of replacement
rigging - wired off?
rigging - tension
rigging - spreaders
rigging - backstay tensioner
rigging - t fixings on mast
rigging - rivet integrity on mast
rigging - mast condition
rigging - mast corrosion at deck
rigging - mast drain holes clear?
rigging - chainplates - condition?
rigging - chainplates - renewed/rebedded?
rigging - forestay mount
rigging - mast pre-bend
rigging - boom condition?
rigging - gooseneck/track condition
rigging - kicker condition
rigging - topping lift fittings

prop - condition?
prop - type?
prop - age

interior - uplhostery condition
interior - woodwork condition
interior - floor condition
interior - companion way stairs
interior - engine cover condition & removal
interior - headlining
interior - bunks frameworks and condition
interior - chart table condition
interior - shelving condition
interior - fiddles strength
interior - bulkhead condition
interior - doors condition
interior - door furniture condition
interior - lee cloths?
interior - fixings
interior - brasswork condition
interior - table condition
interior - table leaves condition
interior - mast step and fixings
interior - cabinets - condition
interior - cabinets - hinges and doors
interior - grab handles
interior - wash boards - condition
interior - wash boards - security
interior - chart stowage?

electrical - switch panel condition
electrical - switch panel back - neatness
electrical - fuses
electrical - wiring tidyness
electrical - wiring insulation - condition?
electrical - gauges working?
electrical - battery status showing?
electrical - shore power installed?
electrical - RCD present?
electrical - galvanically isolated?
electrical - cabling joints - done properly?
electrical - earths robust?
electrical - inverter?
electrical - main switch - type
electrical - gas alarm?
electrical - battery age
electrical - battery type
electrical - battery condition
electrical - anodes - location
electrical - anodes - condition
electrical - shore power cable condition

nav/instruments - type
nav/instruments - condition
nav/instruments - functioning?
nav/instruments - senders/logs
nav/instruments - back lights working?
nav/instruments - steering compass condition
nav/instruments - steering compass back light
nav/instruments - mast head senders OK?

lights - nav - working?
lights - nav - lense condition
lights - nav - wiring to lights
lights - nav - through deck gland at mast - condition?
lights - nav - switches correct?

lights - interior - working?
lights - interior - switches OK?
lights - interior - wiring condition
lights - interior - master switch wired correctly?

galley - condition?
galley - cooker condition?
galley - cooker gimbals
galley - cooker heat insulation]
galley - worktops?
galley - sink condition?
galley - elecrical/manual pumps working?
galley - gas pipe condition to cooker
galley - drawers condition?
galley - draw retainers working?
galley - storage space condition?
galley - coolbox OK?
galley - hob flame out protection?

windows/hatches - watertight?
windows/hatches - crazed?
windows/hatches - catches/locks OK?
windows/hatches - sign of excess sealant?

water tanks - rusty?
water tanks - access hatches sealed?
water tanks - smell?
water tanks - have they been left full or empty?
water tanks - drainable?
water tanks - filler cap sealing?
water tanks - piping clean and secure?

fuel tanks - condition?
fuel tanks - have they been left full?
fuel tanks - filters - qty
fuel tanks - filters - water in them?
fuel tanks - filters - debris in them?
fuel tanks - filler cap - sealing?
fuel tanks - pipe condition and security

ground tackle - condition?
ground tackle - chain length?
ground tackle - safely stowed?
ground tackle - shackles wired?
ground tackle - anchor winch working?
ground tackle - bow roller - condition?

sails - condition?
sails - dry?
sails - sail bags/covers - condition?
sails - bolt rope/travellers condition?
sails - mast track condition
sails - reefing points - condition
sails - genoa wear
sails - hanks condition
sails - roller furling condition

ropes - warps general condition
ropes - sheets and guys - condition
ropes - halyards condition
ropes - wire halyards splicing
ropes - snap shackle condition
ropes - blocks and pulleys OK?
ropes - spliced and finished properly

gas installation - locker safe?
gas installation - locker vented
gas installation - shut off valves working?
gas installation - pipe work OK?
gas installation - regulator condition?

keel condition - signs of damage?
keel condition - dry?
keel condition - antifouled?

external fixings - secure?
external fixings - spray hood condition?
external fixings - tiller/wheel solid
external fixings - pushpit and pulpit secure
external fixings - pushpit and pulpit condition
external fittings - stanchions posts OK?
external fittings - guard wire sound?
external fittings - aerial mounts solid?
external fittings - dan buoys/lifebelts secure
external fittings - jack stays condition
external fittings - tracks and cars - condition
external fittings - toe rail condition
external fittings - rubbing strake condition
external fittings - dodgers OK?
external fittings - engine controls OK
external fittings - external VHF speaker OK?
external fittings - deck lights working?
external fittings - ensign mount OK?
external fittings - teak decking condition?
external fittings - teak gratings?
external fittings - winch condition?
external fittings - winch handles?
external fittings - winch handles holders?
external fittings - jammers/spinlocks?
external fittings - cleats and fairleads?

heads - bowl condition
heads - pump working?
heads - seacocks OK?
heads - pipework OK?
heads - smell?
heads - dry under floors?
heads - seat/lid cracked?
heads - drain unblocked?


I'm not too anal honest /forums/images/icons/blush.gif, but for me this is a big purchase!



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Active member
19 May 2003
how about paperwork to date eg. surveys so far and what they have picked up.


ps i wouldnt want to be the seller with your keen eye, your list looks as if it would take a day to go through.

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Active member
14 Mar 2002
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actually, its a good practice because it enables you to make valid comparisons, rather than ooh this looks nice. Some problems you will have to accept anyway, but tis also a good tool when it comes to negotiating.. you can be magnanimous on some of the points, but unforgiving on others. Its very hard to argue around that.
But maybe most importantly, it MIGHt take some of the emotional aspect out. well, it wont, but...!!

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New member
18 Feb 2002
West Yorkshire, UK
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<But maybe most importantly, it MIGHt take some of the emotional aspect out. <well, it wont, but...!!

Take out the emotion and you wouldn't be buying a boat in the first place. It's all emotion isn't it with just enough detachment to justify it to SWMBO.

Seriously though, if you could actually implement an inspection that thoroughly you would do yourself no end of good. I couldn't. Too easily distracted so see what I want to see and deal with the consequences later.

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Phoenix of Hamble

Active member
28 Aug 2003
East Coast
Yeah.... I know..... My heart will almost certainly rule my head too....


I do like the idea of having a long list of things that enable me to justify to my head why my heart just has to have it /forums/images/icons/wink.gif

It also, as someone pointed out, delivers one helluva negotiating position....

I wouldn't want to spend a whole day inspecting the boat either.... thats the surveyors job.. I just, as a prospective first time boat owner, need to make sure I don't overlook anything glaringly obvious...

Thanks for the additional ideas for the list... will add paperwork......

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14 Feb 2002
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You've missed the most important thing....does SHMBO like the boat?

I remember going onto one boat which looked promising. SHMBO stood in the cockpit, looked into the cabin and said "I don't like it!" We turned around and went elsewhere; I would never have changed her mind!

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27 May 2002
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Excellent list this will keep you focussed, it is so easy to just play imaginary sailing and living aboard when looking at a new boat.

I take loads of digital photo because inevitably half way home some new questions about equipment and layout spring to mind. Also it is very informative to push a digital camera into dark recesses and let the flash expose potential problems particularly in the engine bay and heads piping.

The rudder deserves far more attention than the single list entry indicates, push it from lock to lock then some more and listen/feel for movement inside. Then try to lift it off its hinges from the trailing corner and see what moves. Then (depending on design) look for internal GRP stress cracks where the rudderstock enters the hull.

While looking at the prop waggle it up/down left/right, trouble is you have to do this on a variety of yachts before you know how much movement is reasonable.

Finally don’t get too myopic during your assessment, stand back and look for wide-area colour variations in the gel coat and aberrations in mast shape or rigging.

One more thing, check out bunk lengths. Some 60's and 70's yachts were designed for National Service vintage man but lots of us have got taller since. Your own height plus 4 inches is my minimum requirement for bunk length.

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27 Jun 2002
Medway, UK
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I'd like to add something about ergonomics myself.

Is there adequate headroom above the seats (you may be 5'1", but what if SWMBO is 6'2"?). Remember too, SWMBO may have different leg-body proportions to you - my wife's 2" shorter than I am, but her legs are 3" longer.
Is there enough leg room at the seats, without there being too much. Are the seat squabs too low to get off without unreasonable effort (think how much worse it'll be at 15 degrees).
How comfortable will the up-hill seats be, will the squab angle throw you off at a slight heel?
Are the tables in a good position relative to the seats, or will they be uncomfortable?
Are the foot wells in the bunks & cockpit big enough for your feet? (I have size 13 shoes & don't fit in some areas - and try driving a Reliant Robin, I can press all 3 pedals and both sides of the foot well at the same time)
If your shoulders (or stomach) are 36" across, can you get out of the 18" escape hatch?
Is the chart table big enough. 6" square will be a bit of a problem!
Can you slide past the cook without upsetting the meal?
Are the side decks unreasonably cluttered, and be dangerous in any seaway?
Are the railings high enough, or will they act efficiently as a trip wire?
Are the winch ratios OK for someone of your (or SWMBO's) strength?
Can all necessary instruments be seen EASILY from the helm?
Can the helmsman actually see anything? How big are the blind spots?[ check the bow for impact damage, may be a good indicator of how much the helmsman can see].
Check the gas locker for access - can you reasonably get there when carrying a full bottle? Don't forget you've also got to lower the bottle into the hole while keeping control, so a 6' deep locker for the smallest size bottle may be a trial!
Engine access. If in a separate compartment, can you get through the access hatch, or reach all the bits you'll need to for regular maintenance?

All in all it's amazing how few boats will fit around a large sailor. And how small a good sailor can make himself.



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10 Dec 2002
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Hi Nas
This is a great check list and could form the basis of an annual service regime but I noticed there was no reference to how the boat sails or whether you like the look of her. Should we assume you have already decided on the type of boat and are just comparing like with like.

Remember "The whole is greater than the sum of the parts"


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Phoenix of Hamble

Active member
28 Aug 2003
East Coast


I've got a few boats in mind....but they need to feel right, and that'll be first part of the decision, for both myself and SWMBO...

I'll definitely be wanting a sail as well, and the boat must also feel right in this department too....

So, yes, largely this list will be to backup the emotional decision, and to make sure that when i've decided what boat I really want, I get the one that offers best value for money....

Currently, I'm quite keen to look at Co32's, but SWMBO isn't sure, and is erring towards an AWB.... we'll look at a few different craft from afar, and get a feel for which ones to investigate a bit more thoroughly...

Also, I thought much the same thing about this making a good winter check list.... I guess it would take the best part of a day to do properly, but would, with a few additions about winterising, make the basis of an extremely complete check over


New member
17 Jul 2004
kent uk
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great list
I'm glad you're not viewing my boat today . I have to be back to work on monday!!!!
You don't mention headroom, fridge or coolspace to store the beeeerrrsss.

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New member
17 Jul 2004
kent uk
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great list
I'm glad you're not viewing my boat today . I have to be back to work on monday!!!!
You don't mention headroom, fridge or coolspace to store the beeeerrrsss.
oops yes you did .........................sorry

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