Does anybody know the prices of the sailing yachts in Norway. Are they good in general. I am looking for something around 26' - 30'. What problems should I expect when buying a yacht from there? buy from Sweden instead. I have a fairly good picture of the Norwegian prices, and they seem to be higher compared with Sweden.
Swedish prices are definetely lower then UK.
Another point is that Sweden is a member of EU, which should make things easier than buying in Norway.
I live in Trondheim which is a bit north of the main sail-boat areas. I think there is most choice in Bergen, Stavanger and Oslo fjord. I don't know how prices compare to other parts of the world but as the market here is generally on the "demand" side I would guess they are high.
You can search for boats in the "finn" (find) web....
I'm not really sure, but would hazard a guess late autumn or early winter. I've seen it a couple of times here (and once in Leicester!) and it's always on a really cold, clear night. I don't know the exact dates but Tromso will go permanently dark in a period around winter solstice so then you just need clear skies....
Northern lights aren't seasonal, and appear with pretty much same frequency at all times of year. They are totally dependent on magnetic activity, and there are forecasts available eg (pretty good site for info)
but in v. difficult to forecast with any reliability.
However, in Tromso, better in winter than summer, as sky light levels in summer are typically too high for clear viewing due to 'midnight sun' effect.
I've got Swedish yacht an Allegro 27 ( web site only in Swedish but plenty of pictures) which was sailed to Australia, I would definitely buy another, apparently they are plentiful in Sweden and there are some other similar types . Out of curiosity checked some prices by searching the web and they seemed reasonable and if the standard of ours is anything to go by ,very good value.
Thank you very much. I appreciate all the answers. I plane a journey through all of Europe after 9 days. I hope I will find my dream.
If anybody else is interested the rigth address for whedish yachts is:
I bought my current yacht in Norway (Oslo) and would definitely do so again in my opinion the boats are comparable price but are of a higher quality (most are swedish built) and if second hand are far better equiped, The owners tend to live very close to their boats and keep them in very good shape. All the small jobs get done !
I registered the boat as full part 1 , had a UK marine mortgage and bought then back to the UK.
One other point is that in Norway the seller must declare all known problems if he does not the buyer is entitled to compensation.
Unless you are buying in the far North there is no need to speak Norwegian.