

Well-known member
18 Jun 2001
In the far North
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We have a bulkhead that previous owners have screwed various things to. We've been going through a minimalist phase for a while and have now got rid of them (Decca, RDF etc).
This has left us with a few holes and patches and the whole thing looks a bit of a mess. It was once a nice piece of teak-faced ply but looks for all the world like a nursery for Woodpeckers at the moment.
I've considered re-facing it with ply which is quite expensive and am now convinced that I should stuff the holes with woodfiller, sand it all flat then paint it a light creamy colour as this would solve the hole problem and lighten up the interior a bit.
Is it heresy to paint teak faced ply and will the wrath of a thousand deceased boatbuilders fall upon me and cause a wailing and gnashing of teeth or are we OK?

<hr width=100% size=1>regards


Active member
18 Nov 2001
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as an owner of a classic yacht, could you not conveniently place photos of your esteemed vessel over the various holes and patches? or ..

fit a number of light fittings over said holes or .... obtain the services of a grafitti artist who can skillfully include said patches & holes into an interesting mural ..

however, why take all this old boaty stuff off? it is evocative, surely, of times long gone and one could amuse one's guests with tales of searching for the fleetwood RDF signal in a storm etc etc in fact i'd be putting even more obsolete nautical junk up eg HF crystal/valve HF set would be one practical suggestion ...

hope this helps ...

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Well-known member
5 Oct 2001
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As an owner of a 'plastic tub'.

Do the the best that you can, look after her and use her (the boat). Hopefully she will respond and give you hours of pleasure. Also, practice makes perfect ...

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11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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urgh, won't it be a bit ghastly if painted? Why not start a collection of barometers, or make a lightwood shelfy thing for all the flags, and/or affix a plethora of memorable small photos (make it obvious who is who ahem)

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14 Nov 2002
NW Ireland
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Those of a more cynical nature might surmise that your recent weekend to Loch Melfort as advertised on this forum to 'do a few jobs' resulted in an inordinate amount of time spent 'clearing out' surplus bottles of malt - with the result that attempts to relocate new electrical apparatus caused a number of 'surplus' holes.

Let me assure you that I am not one of those people.

Therefore I think your suggestion to fill, sand and cover the whole thing with a thick layer of emulsion before Dear Heart finds out is probably your best bet. Can I suggest apple or peach?

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6 Aug 2002
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Mock it up with painted hardboard to be sure you like it and play with the colours if neccessary - there must be hundreds of creams - or better still would be just take a digital photo and get some buff to do it all on screen. I can't see any problem heretically painting it - you just said it was ply for heaven's sake and it could well enhance the rest of the wood/ply as well as lightening the interior.

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11 Oct 2002
Home in Chilterns, Boat in Southampton, Another bo
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Re:perhaps a pleasing Tartan wallpaper

would do the job.

Painting can change the feel of a cabin so proceed with care. The cosy gloom may be preferable to the light and stark feel. The other problem is knock on effect. Like when your at home and paint the guest room ceiling and a month later your £30k lighter with a new kitchen and a block paved drive. I think the army call it mission creep or enemy action. It's one of those.

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Well-known member
18 Jun 2001
In the far North
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Thanks to all

As usual you have all attempted to set high standards in terms of the help and advice you give and as usual you have failed spectacularly to meet those standards. If I take your advice my bulkhead will be covered in the Gunn Clan tartan, with labeled photos of god knows what stuck in some kind of wooden pigeon hole affair into which I will have slotted code flags and the odd bottle of malt with a hardboard template covered in 40 shades of cream to cover up the holes I have not managed to fill with a collection of Barometers and I'll have to nip to the tip and retrieve my B&G RDF and the Decca and remount them.
I knew I should have posted this with the wise men of the PBO falorum

<hr width=100% size=1>regards


New member
4 Jul 2001
Australia, East coast.
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G'day John,

I managed to tart up a 'orible looking bulkhead by gluing on some simple strips of timber with rounded edges, this will retain the minimalist look and not require assistance from your bank manager.

Good luck...

<hr width=100% size=1> Old Salt Oz /forums/images/icons/cool.gif Growing old is unavoidable. However, growing up is still optional.


11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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Re: power sander assistance

Obviously, you are fairly determined to do the painting thing. You should sand it down and fill it and then you need the regulation 3 undercoats, and sand with flourpaper between each of these. Finally, i think a silk finish will be less garish than gloss, and an offwhite or slightly cream rather than ghastly brilliant white.

Oh, and it is allowed to use a power sander or if you wish, and (ahem) in my proud new capacity as commercial yachtmaster (power driven craft), I can hire my services to do this for you. I have already explained the mandatory charges with regard to "power-driven craft" to swmbo who now understand that "power driven craft" includes all manner of equipment, especially woodworking. I think she is beginning to recognise that she will need to save up in order to pay my fees if she wants me to engage in any further power driven craft activities, such as using the electric drill and put up that shelf i was talking about and have bought the wood for but not yet started. Sadly, as in many walks of life, some people aren't prepared to pay professionals and risk ending up with an amateur job. I'm sure you aren't so shortsighted.


Active member
18 Nov 2001
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Re: Thanks to all

excuse me ... you got help commensurate with the original post ...

a) you left unsaid your level of woodworking expertise. an NVQ, GCSE or PHD perhaps would have changed the advice offered accordingly
b) the boat time available for the task was not specified. jobs should never be assumed as normal time ie "oh, DHeart, this will only take a couple of days" which, in boat time, becomes several weeks. If you had made an upfront promise to DHeart we would have comiserated and abandoned you as a lost cause
c) the availability of refreshment/other like-minded souls in the near vicinity was not reported. this fact alone can contribute to unforseen events unfolding for which we can accept no responsibility nor can offer advice when that might conflict with that offered by sundry other fellows after humungous night out at the Lord of I. many a good plan has failed in the comissioning ...

hurt and offended ....

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Risk of being pilloried !!

Fill holes with good filler / stopper.
Buy GOOD quality wood grain vinyl covering - self-adhesive type.
Nice teak edging suitable to edge the bulhead all around.
Clean off and sand flat the bulkhead, peel and stick on vinyl carefully avoiding wrinkles and creases.
Edge all vinyl edges by trapping with teak edging.

?? But then again whats wrong with painting in to match / contrast with rest of interior ?

OH Yes ...... they are a poor sad bunch sometimes on the forums !!!!

<hr width=100% size=1>Nigel ...
Bilge Keelers get up further ! I came - cos they said was FREE Guinness !