Bukh DV36 fuel consumption


Well-known member
10 Nov 2007
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Can anyone give me an idea of likely fuel consumption of a Bukh DV36 on a heavy displacement vessel? Thanks.

Consumption is directly related to amount of power used. The only relationship to the boat is the amount of power required to achieve the speed you require.

The rule of thumb is 1l per hour for 10hp used - so as sailorman says, somewhere around 3l hour at 75-80% of max rated power.


Well-known member
1 Dec 2007
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Consumption is directly related to amount of power used. The only relationship to the boat is the amount of power required to achieve the speed you require.

I quite agree with this, but

The rule of thumb is 1l per hour for 10hp used - so as sailorman says, somewhere around 3l hour at 75-80% of max rated power.

I don't think is quite correct. I think that almost all modern diesels, whether 6000HP or 6HP, and whether turbocharged or not, consume about the same, which is close to 250g or 0.3l / kwhr. This also holds true across most of the rev range for the engine as well. Ex engine designers on here may like to comment.

So 3l / hr, which is what I would predict for your engine also, implies you actually only run the engine at 13HP shaft power, not at 29HP (80% of 36HP). This is fine because most of the time one doesn't run at anything like full power, reserving that to have sufficient reserve for very strong head-winds.

If I look up the figure from Beta's 50HP engine it shows just over 6l / hr for 29Hp o/p, and the Bukh is probably a tad less efficient being quite a bit older design. Whatever, it's certainly not 2x as efficient.


Well-known member
10 Nov 2007
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Think you will find empirically that the rule of thumb is pretty robust. This subject comes up regularly and many people report real life consumption in that range. My Yanmar 1GM consistently burned .75l per hour and my current Volvo 2030 just over 2.2l l hour at 2400 (about 21hp).

Don't know where you get the Beta 50hp consumption from, but suspect it is at max rated hp.

You are right that specific fuel consumption does not vary much from engine to engine, but it is fairly flat across the normal operating range (say 1800-2800) but rises above that - usually above the point of max torque.