New member
Having been a lurker for many months before taking the plunge, I'm sure the subject of fuel contamination has been done to death. I'm new to this so bear with me.
Returning to S. Ferriby from a great trip to Spurnhead, we are up on the plane in the main shipping channel just passing a small tanker and..... yes you guessed it, revs drop from 3500 to nothing. Heart stops, engine kicks in again, bows point skyward, then revs die off again. Throttle right back and gradualy increase the revs again, all fine until back around the 3000 mark. Decide to give tanker a wide berth and cruise back to S.Ferriby at displacement speed.
Obviously fuel starvation so checked air and petrol filters. Air fine, but petrol filter 2/3rds full of a light brown jelly ??? it felt like jelly, could be rolled into a ball, smelt like......yep..petrol, and tasted like....... sorry - wasn't that interested.
What the hell is this and can it be cured? New filter fitted and run for less than 20 hours.
I'm sure someone out there can enlighten me. I'm also sure Happyone will give me a detailed explanation of what will cure it and were to buy a jelly in petrol prevention gizzmo with added safety features at a very reasonable price.
Thanks in anticipation.
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Returning to S. Ferriby from a great trip to Spurnhead, we are up on the plane in the main shipping channel just passing a small tanker and..... yes you guessed it, revs drop from 3500 to nothing. Heart stops, engine kicks in again, bows point skyward, then revs die off again. Throttle right back and gradualy increase the revs again, all fine until back around the 3000 mark. Decide to give tanker a wide berth and cruise back to S.Ferriby at displacement speed.
Obviously fuel starvation so checked air and petrol filters. Air fine, but petrol filter 2/3rds full of a light brown jelly ??? it felt like jelly, could be rolled into a ball, smelt like......yep..petrol, and tasted like....... sorry - wasn't that interested.
What the hell is this and can it be cured? New filter fitted and run for less than 20 hours.
I'm sure someone out there can enlighten me. I'm also sure Happyone will give me a detailed explanation of what will cure it and were to buy a jelly in petrol prevention gizzmo with added safety features at a very reasonable price.
Thanks in anticipation.
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