Brighton Marina


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5 Jun 2003
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I am thinking of moving my 41ft Powles motor boat to Brighton Marina (it's currently on the Thames). I will probably be spending up to five days a week on the boat. Can anyone please give me some general advice about the Marina i.e. it's good/bad points, where is best to moor (assuming I have a choice)?
I understand a lot of work (dredging etc.) is being/to be carried out over the next few months?). Is this causing a lot of disruption?

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11 Jun 2002
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Post a message to PaulineB on MoBoChat forum, she's the resident expert on Brighton Marina

<hr width=100% size=1>Err, let me know if Depsol enters the forum, I'll go and hide


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6 Oct 2002
South of France
We have had a boat in Brighton since 2001, now a 40' sailing yacht, moving aboard in two weeks (waah!) There are quite a lot of liveaboards in the marina which is nice and friendly - and because it is big generally Premier are pretty supportive. There are many motorboats as well with liveaboards.

The dredging is mostly on the west jetty, and most of the liveaboards are put on the east jetty, so it's not much of an issue (till they come and do the bit they missed last year about 50' from my stern ...). Try to get on the east jetty on the pontoons further 'in', ie nearer the houses, as they are the best protected from the prevailing winds and any sea coming over the breakwater. They're also nearer the facilities, which have been modernised and are pretty good. You can get phones on the pontoons if you want a landline.

The biggest hassle is probably parking. As a bertholder you get access to car parks, but it's a major pain/long walk for visitors, people working on the boat etc. In effect the security on the car parks is far tighter than that on the boats. Having said that, the security on the boats isn't the best Ive ever seen but it's a lot better than many as well. There's now also only one chandlery in the whole marina complex, one boat electrician, etc and some might say a spot of capitalist competition wouldn't hurt. Post comes into the marina office on the west jetty, which is either a short dinghy hop or quite a walk from the east jetty - depdning on your desire for exercise.

It is good to be on the water so quickly. Once you've been dredged, you would only get caught aground on a springs low tide and then briefly and unluckily - so you really can be at sea in about 10 minutes - which is fairly unusual here. You can also do this at Newhaven, but not easily elsewhere until you get to Portsmouth.

Hope this helps. If you move this way, get in touch.

<hr width=100% size=1>Sarah&Pip


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27 Jun 2003
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I thought you should Be aware of my and many peoples experience of Felton's Marine Engineering at Brighton So it may be worth reading the following.
Apart from this one unfortunate experience I have found Brighton Marina extremely friendly and helpful.

Dear Sir/Mme

In December 2002 Felton’s Marine Engineering of Brighton Marina in East Sussex quoted me the price of £75.00 to service the seacocks on my sailing yacht. A simple enough job and a fair price I thought.
I instructed them to go ahead and complete the work.
When the bill came in they had decided to boost their profit and asked for £400.00.
I wrote to them pointing out their obvious error and paid them a cheque for the correct amount upon which we had both initially agreed. There were a few parts needed and I paid for these too.
In May they took me to court, fabricating a story that they had actually meant £75.00 per seacock. This was a straightforward lie as I have the original estimate in writing.
I was advised by a member of the court staff that it would not matter that I did not turn up to the hearing as I had sent in all the corresponding paper work and had explained the situation in writing.
I acted upon this advice, as I could not afford to take the day off work.
The judgement went against me and I was landed with a huge bill including court costs and interest.
I have spoken to many people in Brighton Marina who all, with out fail, talk of their problems with Felton’s Marine Engineering. Problems, which include over charging and poor workmanship.
Does this court judgement mean that the British legal system is a means, for those who can afford to use it, to extort large amounts of money from those of us who are used to dealing with honest individuals and have limited funds?
I would appreciate your comments and any advise you may have as to how I can get justice and the money back from Felton’s Marine engineering.

Look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully

Tim Brown.

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11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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Re: Brighton - it\'s horrid

Despite the fact that it has a naturally pleasant seafront - Brighton seems to have worked very hard over the last 100 years to become nasty, nasty, nasty. On each time I visit, by land or by boat, I get the feeling of dread that this place - that should be so lovely - manages to be so awful.

A huge hike from the boat takes you to a big car park. People rip around the car park in their cars at high speed, which makes even this part fo the town somewhat lethal.

At the other end of the far-too-big car park are lots and lots of tightly packed weekend houses, usually deserted. Nearby is the petrol station. This is your local shop. Trudge another mile to the town, full of weirdos in season and weirdo politicians outside the season. Enjoy soggy fish and chips whilst leaning against badly-maintained railings first erected in the 1920's. Enjoy attempting to park during the day (takes at least 30 mins) and worry about getting your car nicked, especially on a Saturday night.

Brighton is better than many UK places, but remains in absolute terms - an utter dump. The idea that this is one of the UK's premier seaside resorts is a huge embarassment to the UK, or should be. Tourist-wise we are third world, and Brighton is but one of the places that shows why. It is the Daily Sport made horribly, horribly real. You can stay in an hotel, but you'll need to pay London prices to stand a chance of isolating yourself away from and above the horrid street level, and gaze at the beuatiful sea beyond as did the composer Delius, I think - but a very long time ago.

Boating-wise, you need courage and determination to get out into open channel water just beyond the breakwater, and go 40 miles to the solent, or to Dover, or Ramsgate. From the latter ports, it's just a short hop across the channel to a country which, whether you like the natives or not, at least has some idea of how to maintain and enforce decent standards for normal people. Calais is miles nicer, and for a step up try Deauville, St Malo, Le Touquet.

Brighton is a travesty of a resort, the marina area developed by a bent thug. It's now run by yobs - and that's just the policemen, never mind the general populace. Sensible boaters on liveaboards obviously excepted, etc etc - but I just imagine that they must feel very much upper crust from their hideaway in the marina, safely removed from the rest of the horrible place.

By all means go to Brighton - but move along quickly. Famous visitors came - and left. And don't take my word for it - this is perhaps one of the few places on earth where a still-reigning monarchial dynasty built a summer palace - and yet have now abandoned it, never to return. They prefer Scotland, the med, London, anywhere. Others follow their example and abandon this ghastly once-sumptuous resort. Hardly suprising, and more's the pity.


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7 Sep 2001
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Re: Brighton - it\'s horrid

Hmmm.......I take it you dont like the place then|? I have to agree, great place to break a slowish journey from ramsgate to IOW, but otherwise...........

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27 Jun 2003
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Re: Brighton - it\'s horrid

Yea and now the marina's got all new flash looking restaurants but the staff are rude to the point where even the Dalai Lama wquld have violent thoughts.
The coffee is Appalling.
Jacksons Wharf Bar is OK in the day for food and beer.

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