Break Ins!


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1 Jun 2001
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There were 5 boats broken into at Neptune Marina Ipswich last w/end, (4am.) my Sealine was one, luckily a fellow boater was on board his boat and rang boys in blue.
The 3 lads were caught easily as nowhere to run (too cold to swim!)
Still lost property though even though they were nicked, no sign of it.
Dont you just love this sort of thing. Wonder what the punishment will be, we all know what we'd like it to be!
Anyone else had this.
Neptune is fairly secure but it is in the Town centre.
Thinking of an alarm, would a shed alarm work?


Well-known member
30 May 2001
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Sorry to hear that, hope they get what they deserve, although in the current political climate suspect it won't be much more than a caution.

If they were caught in the act how did they get rid of your gear, did they chuck it in the oggin?

With my boat i suspect they go past it to look for better pickings, still have 2 flashing LEDs as a deterrent.


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8 Sep 2002
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Had our old boat a Colvic Watson broken into twice, The thieving swines
took every thing, even the bedding, food even the cooking utensils,
Police said they could not do a lot!
Now we have a alarm system on board and extra flashing diodes placed where
they are easily seen.
Dunno if I could or would want to be able to control myself if I caught
them!!! Bugger the consequences.


16 May 2001
UK -Berks
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<font color=blue> No trips to the Carib for them, things are getting tougher these days, to get such a trip as part of your penance you have to at least do in a sweet old lady. All they can hope for is a sternly wagged finger.


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29 Nov 2002
Ipswich, UK
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Hi Margem,

Am very sorry to hear of the break in, Have seen your boat in the Marina - i moor in Neptune also... Am in berth B21 the Vodka bar end of the pontoons (Boat name Cholly B, furthest berth away from the harbour wall....)

I haven't heard anythign from Pete or Allan, but am now a bit concerned... so ill pop down tonight and have a look.

I seem to recall that there were a couple of similar incidents thsi time last year.... but have heard nothing abotu any other breakins since.

As i live local it isn't too much of a trek for me, but i you want to exchange contact details etc... send me a PM and i can always get in touch and vice versa...

All the best and i hope the b@stards get more than dunking... like one of the others i don't think i would hold back if i caught them!




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25 Sep 2002
Ft Lauderdale Florida
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You could probably use a car alarm from somewhere like halfords?

I have sensors both in the saloon and aft cockpit which run from a household alarm but I'm finding it unrealiable so never use it. Have been thinking of wiping it out and fitting a car alarm instead as that isn't affected by the shore power.

If I cought someone breaking into my (or any) boat I think I would end up being locked up???


Logged Sea Miles wanted for masters. Send PM if your on south coast and want skipper or crew.


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19 Jan 2002
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Sorry to hear about your loss, I visited Neptune marina in the summer thought security was good so how get they get in?
Yes fit a car alarm I have fitted a car flasher that also flashes all the nav lights as a break in is going to happen at night and an alarm could come from anywhere but a boat with all the nav lights flashing is unusual and stands out.
I went down the club on Wednesday to be told by a fellow member better check your boat as somebody has ripped my cockpit cover, bent one of my davits and kicked the washboards but failed to get in. He had just finished washing all the mud off the cockpit. Mine was ok checked a few others, had a chat about security then found a boat with a washboard missing and mud all up the boarding ladder that was down. I then went to phone the owner, another member turned up so more chat about security.
I thought before I phone I will check on the boat for damage so at least when I phoned I would have some good news as well as bad. I climbed on the boat with a ladder looked into the boat through the hatch. A sleeping bag was outstreached on a bunk not unusual in itself but I was convinced hair was sticking out of the end of it.
I couldn't believe my eyes so got the other damaged boat owner to confirm, the muddy trainers in the cabin confirmed it. Like most previous posters have said the owner of the damaged boat was going to sort the bloke out! The police were called after I explained to him that the law works in mysterious ways and he would be the one taken away under arrest.
Fourty minutes later the police arrived, they were surprised the intruder was still on the boat, sorry but he is sleeping like a log. After a while they agreed to go on board eventually the intruder was woken and helped off the boat.
The police then said he has money and will settle he only wanted to have somewhere to sleep and in anycase it is not burglary its only criminal damage.
The intruder then denied going onto the first boat and claimed he only broke into the boat he was caught on. When the club had break ins last year the police said you will have to catch them red handed in order for us to do anything, we have so now do something.
I think we deserve better than this so what approach.
Hope the alarm fitting goes well.


Well-known member
30 May 2001
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As I write this I can feel my blood boiling! In your shoes I would be very tempted to start the engine, motor miles out to sea and chuck the b#####d overboard and suggest he swims for it, might even help him with a few weight belts around his waist, but that would be a waste of good lead.

What is this country coming to when the police and authorities seem more intent on helping the criminals rather than the victims, where's the natural justice. Our legal system needs a damn good shake up. Rant over. Still fuming!


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25 Sep 2002
Ft Lauderdale Florida
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If you chuck him overboard in the middle of the atlantic who would arrest you? Do the met have an Atlantic division? :eek:)

Logged Sea Miles wanted for masters. Send PM if your on south coast and want skipper or crew.


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7 Sep 2001
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Steady lads! Steady, he broke into your boat, he didn't murder anybody, I know exactly what you mean, but lets not get carried away, you'll have transportation re-introduced for bread theft next! MInd you if you biffed him, they'd be all over you like a cheap suit! It would be Clang!! mind your fingers!!


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19 Jan 2002
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Steady, do what, it might be your boat next!

Maybe I should have woke the guy up with a cup of tea maybe a biscuit dished up with plenty of sympathy, No I don't think so.

If you are caught doing 40mph in a 30mph limit try saying I was only doing 10mph over so whats the problem.



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7 Sep 2001
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I'm not advocating giving the guy a pat on the head! Lets not be silly!
I've had my boat broken into before, but funnily enough never abroad!! I tend to not lock the boat up, then there's less damage caused if they do break in! I have everything marked and insured. Same reason I never ever locked my E type drophead, the hoods were more expensive than any stereo I ever had fitted!!


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3 May 2002
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2 mates of mine managed to catch the litlte buggers who tried to make of with their pohnes and wallets on friday. the kids had not much sense
chalky ( my mate) makes longjohnsilver look like a midget and is more easily riled than wakeup after a few beers. fortunately an unmarked police car saw it all happen
including chalky explaining to the little runt the error of his ways. ie dangling him ny the collar and threatening to knock his head into his shoulders

the other guy chased th other runt and caught him, hotly pursued by more unmarked police. police did not reprimand either of them for self defensive slap. only probelm was they were in the police office til 10 making statements so night out was a biut of a wash out.

chalky had nothing but praise for the police, who i think were quite pleased to get the little bugers red handed. only problem is days off work as witness and courts will prob let them off.

I never eat on an empty stomach. i like to hear the food splash as it hits


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16 Apr 2002
Newfoundland, Canada
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Ref. Alarm systems, and if you'll forgive a slight plug, I work for a company that distributes burglar alarms amongst other things. One of our products is a wirefree alarm kit with a solar powered sounder and battery powered PIR and door/window sensors. No wiring required as it all works on RF. Can't see any reason why one of these couldn't be installed on a boat, other than RF interference issues with Radar/VHF etc, and presumably you wouldn't have the alarm on whilst underway! Of course this would mean you have a dirty great sounder box mounted somewhere externally but maybe a price worth paying? Alarm kits are available in your local B&Q for £100-£150 odd.

Mind you upon imagining a marina full of boats with sirens/strobes going 19 to the dozen maybe its not such a good idea after all!!



16 May 2001
UK -Berks
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Steady lads! Steady, he broke into your boat, he didn't murder anybody
<font color=blue>
This time they didn't but did they care that Nanna was on board having a snooze and the shock killed her? NO! so it was fortunate Nanna wasn't there.
I advocate leniency on the first offence, say a hatpin stuck through their left testicle as a warning. Second offence, then something a little more painful like spreading their rib cage and pulling out their lungs on to their chest. If neither of these remedies work move on to something they would really dislike such as 20 hours community service.


Well-known member
11 Jun 2002
Tesla in Space
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Re: the law is an ass, the courts a waste of time

>>only problem is days off work as witness and courts will prob let them off<<

"If you hopped in your Subaru, all legal, insured and everything,
and nailed it along the A** as fast as it would go, if you got
caught there is a very high chance you would go to jail.

If you nicked the Subaru and were completely uninsured and did the
same thing, when you got caught there is almost no chance of a
custodial sentence.

We, the people who are supposed to enforce the law and usually end
up being asked to explain it, have no say in this at all. It
pisses me right off..."
attrributed to the head of a regional police force.

Same reason that if you leave a car for more than 0.1 seconds overtime on a London parking meter it will be ticketed, clamped and towed away in seconds. Dump a car and set fire to it however, and it will remain there for 6 weeks while officials argue about whose responsibility it is

etc etc


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7 Sep 2001
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Re: the law is an ass, the courts a waste of time

Nobody said the law is perfect! Tee hee. I agree with you wholeheartedly, but what are we the recipients of this rough justice going to do about it? Same as we always do, shout, moan and then do, absolutely nothing! Load of pussies all of us!