?Booking A Covid Jab IN Portugal.??


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24 May 2012
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Disagree, the covid restrictions info from the gov has been regular and precise & safe community portugal facebook page has done a fantastic job at quickly translating postingit without adding any guesswork. This particular forum has often been the opposite, made up guesswork with no starting point in any official statement becomes reality and gets passed on, completely unhelpful. Needing a residents card to enter to country last year for example, on here it turned into gospel but had no basis in reality.
Resident in Portugal and understanding the Portuguese system, we are better placed than most so we just try to offer helpful advice.

Those with experience of Portugal know it’s bottom-up form of government, which is totally foreign to most from the UK (no pun intended). In practical terms it means that the take by the official in front of you is the rule of the day and that is the way it is.

Apparently the help we, in Portugal, have tried to give over the past year or so, has not been of much use?

Two options, you stop reading it or possibly easier still (for us) we will stop posting it.

This thread is a case in point, it was translated from an official SMS release for the benefit of those legally in Portugal. I posted it in here as a possible help to all but from some responses I will think twice before setting myself as an Aunt Sally again.

Rant over?

Because Graham has already responded and has greater first hand information than me, I have edited out my comments about the need to be a Portuguese resident to enter the country during last year’s lock down.
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15 Jun 2004
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Got my first jab booked for next Saturday. My wife asked at centre de saude about her second jab as she got the first one in UK before coming out here 3 weeks ago. Both the Doctor and the administrator at the Centre de Saude told her that her second one would be in July at the earliest. That date puts her way outside the 12 weeks but they weren't interested in that and just said Portugal timings are different to UK, and wouldn't expand on that or explain what they might be. We're going to play it by ear and see what happens for now. Maybe we'll both get our second one in July time and then head back to UK for the booster that seems to maybe on the agenda for the uk coming up to next winter.


Well-known member
24 May 2012
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That depended on which countries had to be transited. Know of several who couldn't get back as they were refused travel through Spain because they didn't have Portuguese residence.
Am I right in thinking that this was a problem brought about by Covid rather than Brexit❓Result was the same??


Well-known member
24 May 2012
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Happy to agree but with reservations, it is definitely a problem reading interptetations of Gov Web sites that cast a shadow on their meaning and therefore their usefulness. I am not aware of conditions in Portugal or Spain but in Greece just about every Gov edict ignites a parade of comments about what they mean in practical terms. An example is the e-tepai tax and how to pay it. Right now we have confusion regarding Transit Log and how and when and what type of TL we are "permitted" to pay for.
In Portugal, not too sure they are ever read. They just make it up as they go along. Much easier??
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15 Apr 2018
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Yes, a Covid problem which so far
Am I right in thinking that this was a problem brought about by Covid rather than Brexit❓Result was the same??

Yes, a Covid problem which so far has had more effect than Brexit. One of the couples refused transit from France through Spain had a letter from boatyard confirming they lived there but they were just turned away at the border.


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28 Nov 2017
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Thanks for this Nortada. Have just used the site link and have booked an appointment day on 9 May. Response said they will contact me nearer the date with a time. I do not have a tax number (NIF) but just put in a random nine digit number which was accepted. Thanks again. Martin in Lagos.


2 Sep 2002
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I've also successfully used the site link provided by Nortada. I'm booked in for May 9th. As documented by Nortada the site explicitly states that it is for those over 65 years of age.
News sources, e.g. Portugal News, have recently reported that all over 60's should have had their 1st Covid-19 vaccination by the end of May, and on that basis I assume that the same link (or a different one) will shortly be able to be used by those 60-64 year old's ?
Thanks Nortada - very useful post


Well-known member
24 May 2012
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From #25.

Yes, a Covid problem which so far has had more effect than Brexit. One of the couples refused transit from France through Spain had a letter from boatyard confirming they lived there but they were just turned away at the border.

Similar problems at the border for a German couple who have just driven back from Bavaria.

Although, EU Citizens they did not have Portuguese residency so had major problems getting SEF let them cross the Spanish/Portuguese border. Fortunately for them, the guards were in a good mood so they let them through, just this once! A boat in Lagos cut no ice at all.

Bottom up government so sorry no link, just first hand experience. ;)
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