Boatone's in a bit of bovver..........


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21 Aug 2002
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Boatone\'s in a bit of bovver..........

My skipper, Boatone seems to have got himself into a bit of a mess. You may remember he had words with the rivertollas at Reading about a load of rowing types that were blocking the cut down at Sunbury last weekend? Well, it appears that the b*gg*rs are holding him to virtual ransom and want at least £5grand in funny money ands some sort of blanket agreement from stinkies that rowboats will always be given right of way before they'll let him go. Byrons started a fighting fund with 5p (tight git) and Learners followed up wiv £3 but at this rate it'll be well past my feeding time before they let him go. In any case, I dont think he should give in to the b*st*rds. Wots to be done?


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6 Aug 2001
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Re: Boatone\'s in a bit of bovver..........


I hate to say this but I am seriously reconsidering my offer of a donation.

While Boatone is an eminent human being and somewhat of a dignatory hereabouts , we are a little concerned about the escalating demands that are arriving from these here rower-types. Permanaent right of way is just a little pushy as I'm sure you agree.

P.S. If, as now seems likely, we can't get him back. You can come and live with us.

P.P.S. I hearfrom Boatone as gratitude for yourpost that you will receive fillet staek for dinner EVERY day from here on in if he's released

PPPS. How about I start a 'spoof ' collection on this BB with a target of £1500 for your master with all real monies collected going to Battersea Dogs Home??

...I wanna boat please..


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11 Jun 2002
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Re: Boatone\'s in a bit of bovver..........

Tell the rowers that if they don't release the human pronto, we're gonna drown the dog

<font color=white> the invisible man </font color=white>