does anyone have any idea where I could get hold of some study plans (and possibly, later, full plans) for a Tahitiana 32 foot steel cutter? I've searched the web but seem ojly to come up with bad links.
I'm pretty sure that is a Hartley design. There used to be somebody at Heybridge Basin on the Blackwater who advertised Hartley plans and I found the old advert in a January, 1997 PBO. There it is advertised as Hartley and Brookes 01621-857879, Fax 01621-852142. Can't tell you if it's still current. Certainly a guy called Brookes who sued to rebuild wooden boats has gone from there. Might be worth a try. Hartley is/was a New Zealand designer so whether you can find something there, I don't know. All this is based upon my vague recollection that it is a Hartley design. Pretty sure about that as I had a plan catalogue 20 years ago and thought it was pretty good.
thanks for the suggestion, but I've checked out the Hartley plans site and the boat there is a tahitian motor sailer as opposed to a tahitiana whihc is what we're looking for. the tahitiana was designed as a steel hull by a chap called weston Farmer in the US (I think) and was built in Britain by David Lund in Bristol. Beyond this, I can't seem to find much!
Pleased about that because (not wishing to offend) the Hartley design is a bit of a tub. There is a semi derelict one on the Blackwater and it doesn't look as though it will sail that well and is not the prettiest. Sorry, am out of ideas (doesn't take long!)
Did a search for Tahitiana and found this site. They guy seems very knowledgeable and may be able to point you in the right direction. Interesting site anyway. I too am a big admirer of these boats.