Blippers and Skips quandary


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20 Feb 2004
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There seem to be a lot of Legal Eagles about at the moment I wonder if one of them could help.
A friend of mine......was rooting about a skip and came across a Firdell Blipper which appeared to be serviceable.

1.Would it be theft if he liberated same?
2.Blipper was painted grey/green and was presumably at one time was Grey Funnel line property would this make a difference to judgement?

Technical Questions

1.How can you check if a blipper is working
2.Are there any advantages to having two blippers "on display"(ignore windage and weight).

<hr width=100% size=1>If it can't be fixed with a lump hammer dont fit it!


Active member
27 Feb 2003
Hampshire, UK
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Some skips (like the ones at your local tip) are paid for by the collectors, so that they can have first dibs at whatever is in them. Taking from them would probably be theft (not to mention detrimental to your health). Others are paid for by the hirer, and are removed when they are full. Removing items is saving them money, as it will be that bit longer before the skip fills up. I've never heard of anyone being prosecuted, or even reprimanded, for skip burrowing. Paint it white and nobody'll ever know.

Reflectors have an effective area so if two are used then, unless one obscures the other, or they are so close as to interfere with each other, their areas should add up, i.e. one good, two twice as good.

Apart from the obvious way of checking (i.e. with a radar) the passive reflector has very little to go wrong with it. I've not used one of these before but it might be worth carefully opening it up, if possible, to check for damage. And to make sure that the innards haven't been removed, leaving you with a curiously shaped but non-reflecting fender.
Hope this helps.

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Well-known member
16 May 2001
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A skip would be an excellent Radar target .Weight and windage however may be a problem on smaller yachts./forums/images/icons/smile.gif

So Im not the only one to have a sly glimpse in the boat club skip when ditching the rubbish then?

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