Marina was she call'd; and at her birth,
Thetis, being proud, swallow'd some part o' the earth:
Therefore the earth, fearing to be o'erflow'd,
Hath Thetis' birth-child on the heavens bestow'd:
Wherefore she does, and swears she'll never stint,
Make raging battery upon shores of flint.'
I think he is busy getting electrolytic at the pub.
[/ QUOTE ]
That's a rather negative approach, but one must always expect resistance to a good idea, causing some heating although, on a forum, this is frequently caused only by crossed wires. Before responding, please add up the pluses and minuses and when in doubt, go with the flow! The capacity for short-circuiting a thread should be resisted! /forums/images/graemlins/tongue.gif
Apparently BigNick is a serial wifebeater and has been arrested a few times. Last night he was feeling flat so he whacked 'er about a bit, the police re arrested him and he's been recharged after spending a night in the cells!