Azores, Madeira & Coronavirus in June?

Tim Good

Well-known member
26 Feb 2010
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I know it’s all subjective and guesswork but I want to sail my boat back from Gran Canaria to the UK later in summer. I have a flight out to the Canaries from Geneva on May 30th.

But do we think these Portuguese islands will be allowing cruisers to stop in and see the islands or will I likely be met with quarantine on arrival?

The other question is if Las Palmas marina in Gran Canaria would allow you to leave but that’s even harder to gauge.

What do people think?


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29 Jan 2006
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As I see it you only have two Hopes , one is Bob and the other is no.

Azores do not need sail boats , they represent a small part of there economy; Peters Sports Bar is the only place who is going to be worse off , the food was dubious last year so may be they need time to reflect on the service they offer.
My thinking is the Azores would rather not have you and the associated risk of you transferring coconut virus about, probably Horta and San Miguel for transit reprovision only.
The same is true of Madeira and The Canaries, foreign private sail boats do not push a significant amount of cash into there economies, so my feeling is the local Dictators will opt for no sailboats and no risk of virus, in exchange for a few billion at 0% interest from central reserves to prop up local economy.

But may be your name is Bob.


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15 Mar 2007
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Under the programme for phased lifting of restrictions in the Canaries, July might be the earliest passengers can land. And thats subject to being adjusted if infections increase.

Nothing to do with 'local dictators' whatever that means. The Federal Government is in charge.


Well-known member
24 May 2012
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I know it’s all subjective and guesswork but I want to sail my boat back from Gran Canaria to the UK later in summer. I have a flight out to the Canaries from Geneva on May 30th.

But do we think these Portuguese islands will be allowing cruisers to stop in and see the islands or will I likely be met with quarantine on arrival?

The other question is if Las Palmas marina in Gran Canaria would allow you to leave but that’s even harder to gauge.

What do people think?

I am a bit confused. Las Palmas to the UK; the Portuguese Islands are not on the natural route? Mainland Portugal could be. Unless you plan Las Palmas, Vigo direct (about 900nm)..

The Canaries are Spanish, not Portuguese Islands and as is often the case, these 2 Iberian countries and their islands have markedly different policies.

The Azores and Madeira are Portuguese possessions but have a Governor with a fair amount of autonomy. Given their position in the middle of an ocean, I understand that The Azores will accept visiting vessels but will place the crew in quarantine ashore for 14 days. As to Madeira, I have no idea of their policy.

Possibly somebody on those islands could give a more definitive answer?
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Tim Good

Well-known member
26 Feb 2010
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I am a bit confused. Las Palmas to the UK; the Portuguese Islands are not on the natural route? Mainland Portugal could be. Unless you plan Las Palmas, Vigo direct (about 900nm)..

I don't plan to go head to wind all the way up the Portugese coast. I'll go Maderia then Azores and then UK. The Portugal coast is a shit for going north and lots of traffic.


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15 Mar 2007
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A poster has indicated on Scuttlebutt that the Azores will allow yachts to refuel and provision without landing. Deliveries to boat then by order?

Can be a useful dog leg from Canaries dependent on weather. Last time I did it, I passed just west of Madiera and on to La Corunna for fuel it turned out I didnt really need!

At least if flights dont start again til late summer, its still doable. (y)


Well-known member
20 Jul 2001
A friend is a Horta resident; he said these days some yachts are stopping, they are allowed to moor at the fuel dock the time of filling the tanks and having provisions being delivered there (I think from the Continente supermarket uphill), then they have to anchor.
I have seen a web video with the J-class dock being totally empty, and a metal fence across complete with "No trespassing" sign.
So far the island has had only 3-4 covid cases.


19 Feb 2006
North Sea Trawler 57'OC BALDER VIII
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Hello, and sorry for my broken english, ( I am a real french!)

From what I read today, there are news from ANEN, Direction General de la Mercante, DGMM etc. which are more positive.
I do not speak spanish as well, but from what I understand, people in Spain should be allowed to come on their boats very soon ( 4 Mai)
That does not mean foreigners will be allowed to fly or drive par car and land in Spain. But if they can provide a very recent Covid 19 test with evidence of negative result, show all papers concerning the yacht, customs, insurance etc, why should they refuse us to come back? Make more money with the berths???
I have a serious issue with Marina Rubicon in Lanzarote which does n't help me too much and has not been cooperative: I have some problems aboard with the swell coming in, distroying for the second time my shorepower plug and I need , not an authorization from them, but a recommandation letter to be able to explain to the Guardia Civil or Policia National why I must be back aboard, even for few days, to secure my boat.
I use to travel a lot, I own properties as well in Canada and in different locations in France, I should not understand why these very friendly spanish people should refuse us to be back aboard in respect of rules ( distanciation sociale, masques etc..)?


Well-known member
15 Mar 2007
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Hello, and sorry for my broken english, ( I am a real french!)

From what I read today, there are news from ANEN, Direction General de la Mercante, DGMM etc. which are more positive.
I do not speak spanish as well, but from what I understand, people in Spain should be allowed to come on their boats very soon ( 4 Mai)
That does not mean foreigners will be allowed to fly or drive par car and land in Spain. But if they can provide a very recent Covid 19 test with evidence of negative result, show all papers concerning the yacht, customs, insurance etc, why should they refuse us to come back? Make more money with the berths???
I have a serious issue with Marina Rubicon in Lanzarote which does n't help me too much and has not been cooperative: I have some problems aboard with the swell coming in, distroying for the second time my shorepower plug and I need , not an authorization from them, but a recommandation letter to be able to explain to the Guardia Civil or Policia National why I must be back aboard, even for few days, to secure my boat.
I use to travel a lot, I own properties as well in Canada and in different locations in France, I should not understand why these very friendly spanish people should refuse us to be back aboard in respect of rules ( distanciation sociale, masques etc..)?
Hiya. My boat is in Rubicon and I live nearby. The office staff are simply doing as told by the manager and give a basic answer.

However, there is a way to visit your boat. Just for inspection and maintenance, you cannot change your residence to stay aboard.You cannot have work carried out by other people either. The document you can print off is RD-LEY 10/ 29 Marzo.

You will see a line Pesca recreativa. This allows you to maintain your boat. Although it says its for recreational fishing boats, I was passed this information by people with yachts around the corner in Puerto Calero. The Police have inspected this and they were permitted to go to their yachts.

The local English radio station, PowerOn FM is hosting a live show tomorrow morning at 9 for questions about the new regulations that start tomorrow.

Hope this helps.

Edit to add: At Calero is a repair man. Jean Michel. French..... He may be able to help you with translation.


19 Feb 2006
North Sea Trawler 57'OC BALDER VIII
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Hello Captain sensible

Thank so much for your very kind answer which make me more relax, here, this evening,in Normandy, far from by beloved "big" baby.
I will follow your recommandation, great idea...
I will be back very soon now, if you need some thing I can bring to you, feel free to let me know ( not 100 meters of galva chain of course!)
M/V Balder VIII


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16 May 2004
Azores, Terceira.
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Possibly somebody on those islands could give a more definitive answer?

Azores government has published its plan for relaxing the lock down. It differs a bit from the mainland government's and also has slight variations for different islands to take account of the different infection rates.

As far as yachts are concerned the relevant bit is:

"Manutenção de Medidas:
até às 24:00 do dia 31 de maio (domingo)

Suspensão das autorizações para atracagem de navios de cruzeiros e iates nos portos e marinas destas ilhas, salvo nos casos devidamente autorizados pela Autoridade de Saúde Regional e desde que seja assegurado que não desembarcam passageiros;"
Google translate gives:

"Maintenance of Measures:
until midnight on May 31 (Sunday)

Suspension of authorizations for mooring cruise ships and yachts in the ports and marinas of these islands, except in cases duly authorized by the Regional Health Authority and provided that passengers are not disembarked; "

So basically, no landing this month other than for authorised medical reasons.

As said earlier in the thread supplies and fuel are available from the pier in Horta, and I think also in Ponta Delgada but have not confirmed this.

Regarding Nortada's comment 14 days quarantine in a hotel is for people arriving by air from Lisbon ( which is predominantly returning residents ).


Well-known member
24 May 2012
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Azores government has published its plan for relaxing the lock down. It differs a bit from the mainland government's and also has slight variations for different islands to take account of the different infection rates.

As far as yachts are concerned the relevant bit is:

"Manutenção de Medidas:
até às 24:00 do dia 31 de maio (domingo)

Suspensão das autorizações para atracagem de navios de cruzeiros e iates nos portos e marinas destas ilhas, salvo nos casos devidamente autorizados pela Autoridade de Saúde Regional e desde que seja assegurado que não desembarcam passageiros;"
Google translate gives:

"Maintenance of Measures:
until midnight on May 31 (Sunday)

Suspension of authorizations for mooring cruise ships and yachts in the ports and marinas of these islands, except in cases duly authorized by the Regional Health Authority and provided that passengers are not disembarked; "

So basically, no landing this month other than for authorised medical reasons.

As said earlier in the thread supplies and fuel are available from the pier in Horta, and I think also in Ponta Delgada but have not confirmed this.

Regarding Nortada's comment 14 days quarantine in a hotel is for people arriving by air from Lisbon ( which is predominantly returning residents ).

Thanks for the clarification.

Will PM you.


Well-known member
15 Mar 2007
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Lucky man! ;)
Can you tell me where it should be possible to download the document RD-LEY 10/ 29 Marzo you were talking about?
Hiya if you PM an email address I can send it. But its overtaken now by Phase 0 in the chart. Still no sailing yet though!


Well-known member
20 Jul 2001
A friend is a Horta resident; he said these days some yachts are stopping, they are allowed to moor at the fuel dock the time of filling the tanks and having provisions being delivered there (I think from the Continente supermarket uphill), then they have to anchor.
I have seen a web video with the J-class dock being totally empty, and a metal fence across complete with "No trespassing" sign.
So far the island has had only 3-4 covid cases.

Reportedly, Horta J-Class dock metal fence has a number of leaflets with phone numbers and emails of local shops which accept orders and can deliver on the dock, even freshly cooked dishes it seems.
Some additional fees may have to be considered.

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16 Nov 2006
Italy - Milan
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However, there is a way to visit your boat. Just for inspection and maintenance, you cannot change your residence to stay aboard.You cannot have work carried out by other people either. The document you can print off is RD-LEY 10/ 29 Marzo.

You will see a line Pesca recreativa. This allows you to maintain your boat. Although it says its for recreational fishing boats, I was passed this information by people with yachts around the corner in Puerto Calero. The Police have inspected this and they were permitted to go to their yachts.
Hi Cap'n!
As far as you know, do you think this also applies for the rest of Spain? If so, I might be able to reach Bob in Alcaidesa when they haul out my boat beginning of June!