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The plastic lever used to engage my Autohelm 4000 wheel steering recently started to slip on the shaft - investigation showed that it is fixed by a very small stainless steel pin that passes through the plastic lever and stainless shaft. The pin had failed and the whole in the plastic lever had become mishaped.
I telephone Raymarine (who now own what was autohelm) sorry sir, we don't supply just the pin, fine says I I'll buy the pin and a new plastic lever, sorry sir we don't supply those either-you will have to buy a new clutch assembly - cost £28.20!
Solution-friendly local chandlery (Hardway Marine-Gosport) searched through their oddments box and found a pin that fits-charge nil!
My impression of Raymarine NOT favourable-hope the rest of their kit I have on board doesn't go wrong before they decide pasts are obselete!
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I telephone Raymarine (who now own what was autohelm) sorry sir, we don't supply just the pin, fine says I I'll buy the pin and a new plastic lever, sorry sir we don't supply those either-you will have to buy a new clutch assembly - cost £28.20!
Solution-friendly local chandlery (Hardway Marine-Gosport) searched through their oddments box and found a pin that fits-charge nil!
My impression of Raymarine NOT favourable-hope the rest of their kit I have on board doesn't go wrong before they decide pasts are obselete!
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