Are yachting mags becoming more like soap operas


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3 May 2002
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Re: Agree in part

but it is a cycle thing and new boats are not launched and available for test in that great number????

but i do have a ground hog day feeling

Jan LBS Review a few new bits reviewed and buying a Swedish boat.

Feb latest cooker test. review of 30 ft 2nd hander

March Get ready to launch tips. review 35ft 2nd hander. review of new sails and a new 40fter.

April Its the new season, if you have launched now review the new 35ft and 2nd hand 40ft . tips on lifting back in. review of radios. review of freebie a sunsail holiday, you could book now.

May cruising notes special. where to go to getaway from all the other readers of this mag. review of 2 new 30 footers. scare story on regs or insurance

June Fuel special. In a rare relapse from solent gazing . Ooh look you can sail outside the solent article usually on scotland.

July. Osmosis special. review of outboards. shock horror marina costs a fortune report. buying a 2nd hand long keeler

August. All motorboat owners are gin swilling bastards. or are they? we investigate.
review of new 45 fter and second hand trailer sailors. kit test liferafts.

Septmber. Southampton Boat show. Kit test oilies. Fitting a heater for winter.

Ocotber More southampton boat show. Extending the season. Escape all our other readers by staying in the water and all heading to Wareham. Kit test radar. tips on lifting out. Biscay horror story special. Someone gets to on a freebie sunsail trip to the carribean for xmas and review it

November. The new 20 ft bags of fun yacht tested. relaying your decks and messing around with gelcoat special. tested cookers again.

December LBS special. tested patience. Navigation special.

Now all this is a bit tongue in cheek but i do enjoy the mags honest.

Come on brain.get this over and i can go back to killing you with beer