Are we crazy (very non boaty)

  • Thread starter Deleted User YDKXO
  • Start date

Deleted User YDKXO

5 Brit blokes get picked up in Afghanistan lets just say "in the company of" the Taliban. The Americans think them enough of a threat to keep them in Cuba for 3 years but to appease our wishy washy liberal lentil fancying Guardian reading establishment, they are handed over to us and we promptly let them go after only 24hrs questioning at Paddington Green
Are we mad? What on earth were these people doing in Afghanistan at this time and, if they were'nt supporting the Taliban why were they picked up with them? I can just imagine the conversation at Pad Green

Plod: "Mr Asif, could you explain what you and your colleagues were doing in Afghanistan at this time"
Asif: " Me and Shamal were on a Club 18-30 weekend break in Kabul and the others were on cricket tour with Tipton Green CC Colts
Plod: " Oh, OK then, we believe you and here's a compensation claim form. Mind how you go"

And what got me really choking on my Bran Flakes this morning was that these people are being freed "after consultation with lawyors" which is code for we're so afraid of being sued by a load of ambulance chasing parasite lawyors for 'wrongful imprisonment' that we'd rather let a bunch of suspected terrorists back into the community
And then to cap it all, I understand that Max Clifford is handling their stories so, not only are these b*******s free but they'll make loads of dosh out of it as well
I better stop before my blood pressure goes off the scale

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Active member
16 Oct 2001
Porthmadog / Port Leucate
Very funnily written, I would have laughed if the situation wasn't so damn dire!

What the hell is going on in Britain today???????????????????????

We put up with all this crap and.....
the government stealing pensions money before retirement - and blaming the insurance industry!!!

The government refusing to help pensioners (and equitable policy holders) and handing out hundreds of millions to economic migrants (no, they are not refugees)!!!!

The self same government saying they are committed to stopping immigration?!?!?!

The government starting wars they can't finish - let alone justify, and in so doing destabilising the world and its economies - and then blaming the insurance and investment industries for woeful investment performance!!!! (a la pensions and endowments)

The government who said "tough on crime and tough on the causes of crime" are the perpetrators of some awful attrocities against people who rightly defend themselves against the rising tide of criminals and hooligans who rob, murder, rape, and deal drugs with impunity. And the home secretary who lets them do this - and no....incourages them to do this. The only reason he is there is because he is blind (the token disabled person) he is totally incompetent.

Yep - time to ship out to a more stable, caring and well governed country. Afghanistan / Bahgdad / Libya (nice coast!) / Venezuela.

Blood pressure 160/110!!!

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2 May 2003
West Midlands
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About a year ago I decided to stop allowing any type of newspaper into our house or boat, never to watch Questiontime or Newsnight and try and avoid really watching any "news" programme. All you are ever being informed of is "what we think is going to happen" anyway. Take the bit I heard yesterday "It is expected the Govts report on Endowments will say etc. etc."

Any news I want to actually listen too is normally on this forum anyway and is to do with the hobby I love, generally.

You are quite correct the PC brigade of thicko mamby pambies is now in charge of the asylum, no matter what colour their political persuasion. So just forget about it and take what ever you can out of life.

Look after those that you love and those that show you respect and honour and let the rest get on with it, they cross me I'll revert to type and crucify the "person without identifiable or questionable parentages" (hope that keeps Kim happy)

Do you know life is sweet now. Before riddled with Heart Disease, 2 major heart attacks in as many years, Blood pressure through the roof, never saw my beautiful wife and kids. Now? couldn't give a stuff. Feel fit as a fiddle if not a bit overweight, spend as much quality time with my brood as possible.

After all, you're right, all reporting tainted by "Max Cliffords" so where is the actual truth? Truth is we'll never really know so why worry about it?? Plus the fact if we did, we'd no doubt be in the wrong anyway. As was actually said to my elder brother when he was a local councillor nearby, "What would you know Mr Plant, as a White, Hetrosexual, Middle Class English Male, about the problems of the majority of residents around here?"

Like my brother, you can't fight it generally, so give up, as he did. Just fight very vigorously the things that immediately impact on you and yours, like Red Diesel, perhaps. How do you even find out the truth there, that will be a done deal behind EU Commision doors, won't it?? All the very best with your blood pressure. Paul

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23 Mar 2003
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Couldn't agree with you more!! Great to hear someone with views almost identical to mine and I banned newspapers from our house 10 years ago - no point in spending money just to read a load of lies or half truths.

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New member
28 Jan 2004
London / Spains Costa Blanca
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10 good reasons. Why England today is a bloody joke.
1 Commit a crime.............get sent on 2 weeks holiday
2 Restrain a thief...............get charged with assault(personal experiance)
3 Be a bogus asylam seeker .......get a new house & a few quid every week
4 Be homeless english person......get shoved in a doss house & stuck on 3yr waiting list for decrepid tower block.
5 Join the Taliban ...........get free legal aid to sue goverment for anything that takes their fancy.
6 Fly England flag. get hassled by plod to take it down, because it offends some ethnic contingent, but its ok for them to drive round in overloaded people carriers
waving large green flags & blowing trumpets till all hours.
7 Be convicted child molester .....get free relocation next to school. & job supervising playground.
8 Try to buy new property being built in East London, by housing association..... be told only for sale to ethnic community members. fact.
9 Sack someone for thieving.....get taken to tribunal & told should not have given thief responsable position (what happened to equal oppertunitys rule)
10 Wage war on tyrants regime (only sensible & humanitarium thing Blairs ever done) then get lambasted, was it legal.

This country has gone from bad to worse, what with political correctness & all the other crap we have to put up with, Thats why I have made the sad choice to sell all my business interests & properties & bugger off to Spain I have decided enough is enough Englands turned into a dustbin for the worlds flotsom, with ever increasing rules & charges for us & free hand outs for freeloaders its not a place I want to live anymore. Sorry to go on but its somthing I feel strongly about.

<hr width=100% size=1>2655 ! You can tell me, I'm a Docter !


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13 Oct 2003
Okpo S. Korea.
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Right wingers


If I were you guys I'd lay of whatever it is you are taking.

You seem to trust Bush.

Last visit to the Facists R us forum.

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31 Aug 2002
Stratford upon Avon & S.Devon
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Oh, dear me, that's where I've been going wrong /forums/images/icons/blush.gif.
I've always thought that it was important that our Law was based on the principle that one was innocent until proven guilty.
Who's next on your list of those that should be imprisoned without trial ?
I'm not naive enough to believe that this lot were innocent tourists but the principle should still apply.

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Deleted User YDKXO

Yes, you are correct to bring this up because it is a much cherished right in a civilised country. But in my view, anyone who engages in or advocates strapping a bomb to himself in order to inflict maximum damage on an innocent civilian population has forfeited this right. Nobody can tell me that these people went to Afghanistan for anything other than the purpose of actively supporting the aims of the Taliban and Al Qaeda. IMHO, sometimes you have to take a pragmatic view and put principles to one side when so much is at stake

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28 Jan 2004
London / Spains Costa Blanca
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OOP'S sorry John, silly me! I should have realised the AK 47,s they had were for Afgan clay pigeon shooting, & the grenades for Afgan style fishing

<hr width=100% size=1>2655 ! You can tell me, I'm a Docter !

Deleted User YDKXO

Re: Right wingers

On balance I trust Bush more than some nutcase spouting Jihad. Does that make me a Fascist? I think not

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28 Jan 2004
London / Spains Costa Blanca
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Re: Right wingers

Hi Mike
Im not facist either

This lot should have been decently dressed, decently fed. and then put against a wall...........& decently everyone a lot of bother.

<hr width=100% size=1>2655 ! You can tell me, I'm a Docter !


Well-known member
26 Nov 2002
Royston Vasey
Hmm. The problem is, we don't know, do we? And we live in a democracy where the basis of our criminal law is that you are innocent until proven guilty. One of the 5 released was, according to the newspapers, found held in a Taliban Prison by the Americans - so unlikely to have been on the side of Al Quaeda, I suspect. The others probably aren't purer than driven snow but any evidence gathered at Guantanamo Bay would be inadmissible in a UK court of law because of the illegal way in which it was gathered - and the fact that this is so makes me proud of British Justice. I would hate to live in a country where you could be banged up indefinitely in jail without access to a lawyer because somebody didn't like the look of you or considered you guilty by association, and acquired supporting evidence by using interrogation methods that "bordered on torture" as I think Amnesty International has described them.

I don't want my family to be terrorised by mad religious zealots who think they will go to Heaven if they die whilst killing me, but if we are truly a free country we have to make decisions that may not always seem right to us but are, in accordance with our values, fair and reasonable. I don't think there is a court in the UK that would find these people guilty though I suspect that the security services may be keeping an eye on them in future - and that's probably as much as we have a right to expect.

I was also going to respond to the tirade of quasi-racist urban mythology that posts of this kind always seem to bring out (though not from you, Deleted User), but I grow weary, and I have to run for cover now......................

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21 Jun 2003
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My sentiments exactly, see my signature ! I also do not read papers or watch the News if I can help it.
I do however think this topic a tad political for the Forum (just my opinion you understand)

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13 Oct 2003
Okpo S. Korea.
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Re: Right wingers


Where have you seen these chaps "spouting Jihad"

I've been following the case closely but appear to have missed this one.

Or is it what you like, the Bush babies, would like us all to think so we can kill some more people to show how strong you are. I met bullies like that at school!

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27 Apr 2003
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You forgot point 11

Get all your information from the Daily Mail and quote it as fact.

Have fun in spain, you won't be missed with attitudes like that.

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Deleted User YDKXO

Thanks for pointing out that this is not a racist issue because it isnt. I would love to think that the principles of British justice could be universally upheld in all circumstances but I just think that national security happens to be more important in this case.
Following this morning's horrific atrocity in Madrid, obviously there has been a massive failure of security there and I think there will be many Spanish people asking whether the bombings could have been avoided by banging up a few more suspected terrorists without trial there. I hope we dont have to ask the same questions here soon

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