Approx Fuel Usage


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3 Mar 2010
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I am posting another message regarding transatlantic sailing.

Assuming one would stop at Iceland and Greenland if taking the northern route of approx 6480Nm, or the Azores if taking the southern route of approx 5000Nm, roughly how much fuel might one consume on either route.

I know it is a complete guess, so maybe you can give me a range e.g. 600L - 1000L for each route.

That's assuming something like a 45ft average offshore cruising yacht with a modest onboard engine, and assuming you have to battle some winds (not storms), and you go into and out of port at the above mentioned places using the engine.

I know it's difficult, I just hope that's enough info to get a ballpark figure. Don't worry, I won't hold anyone to this.

Kind regards



22 Jun 2005
Thames Estuary
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Fuel on board is dangerous!

I try to run a dry ship when I am at sea, but the days are long and the nights are longer still.

Just a little sip of diesel wouldn't hurt would it?

I think we can all see the pleasures of drinking diesel, but this Jester Challenger can only advise against it.


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16 Dec 2003
Medway, Gillingham Reach
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I think it is easiest to work out fuel consumption on a weekly basis. I use 1 Fray Bentos Pies, I tin of beef, I tin of chicken, I tin of fish, 3 tins of carrots, 3 tins of peas, 3 onions, six potatoes, six handfuls of rice, 28 desert spoons of porridge, four packets of noodles, two loaves of home made bread and 15 scones. And sundry condiments, cheese, crisps and peanuts.

I've never stopped at either Iceland or Greenland. But then I suppose it would be an opportunity to club a few seals or polar bears to death for some fresh food. The true northern route which is as close to the Great Circle route without hitting Newfoundland is only about 2800 miles but the odd tack increases that considerably.

If fuel refers to diesel I filled up with 15 litres [3.3 imperial gallons] of diesel in Newport in 2007, doing the intermediate route just north of the Azores and covered about 6000 miles to get there so I would say roughly in my 27 feet boat with it's 8HP engine my fuel consumption was approximately 1818 miles [nautical] to the gallon. LED tricolour and solar panels have significantly reduced my fuel consumption. So simple arithmetic gives me 1200 miles to the gallon for a 45 feet boat. Say 22 litres should be enough for the trip I'd say. Of course a 45 feet boat would take much less time to get there so would run a lot less electrics and therefore may use a lot less fuel than I did to charge batteries.

I suppose Bill Churchouse, who doesn't believe in electrics, would measure his fuel consumption in paraffin consumed running his navigation lights.


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7 May 2007
River Orwell
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Approx fuel usage

Easy one this. QAB to Plymouth breakwater 1 litre. Newport Harbour entrance to anchorage 1 litre. Total 2 litres. Power generation en-route: solar panels & water generator. Hate engines, nasty noisy smelly things; life's so much more serene without them. Though 6 tons of long keeler is a bit of a nightmare in marinas. Scares the wits out of them.