Anyone want to borrow a boat for a year or two ?


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30 May 2002
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My boat is sitting idle. Unloved, unsailed and deteriorating.
It is a bluewater live-aboard and should be crossing an ocean, yet again.
Work means I cannot be out there in it but I will be able to in few years.

I am tempted to lend it out to any deserving person/family who wants to do an Atlantic circuit or similar.
I mean lend - not charter. The borrower will be expected to keep it maintained.

If so,
Then how do I decide who to allow to take it ?
Who wants to borrow the boat ?
How do I ensure that I get the boat (or its value if lost ) back ?

Believe it or not this is a serious offer.

It is a 40 foot on the deck steel ketch, a slow but comfortable cruiser that has been through more Atlantic muck and come out smiling than you can imagine.
Ideally suited for a family that like a horizontal platform.

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30 May 2002
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Re: Bravo!

Brutally honest is the correct phrase.

I know that if I sell it I will not be able to buy back a similar beast when I am ready to set out cruising again.
If I put her in storage it will cost me a fortune to rent a piece of water while she rots.

My 10 year old daughter has spent half her life living on this boat and she goes ballistic when we talk about selling her.

The aim of the game is to have the boat looked after and cared for and sailed until we are ready to set out cruising again after the children have completed their education.

Perhaps I am being an idealistic fool. But I want to be able to sail away again on our boat in a few years and leaving her sitting in the water, unused and unmaintained is nonsense. Putting her in dry storage on land might be a better answer.

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16 Dec 2002
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Re: Bravo!

When I was 14 a friend and I had the use of a 21ft dauntless for two seasons. The owner did not have the time to look after her, we worked all winter on her and made her as beautiful as possible for the following season.

Taught my friend and I lots about maintenance and hard work, he got a near fully resored boat and engine. The paintwork was fabulous after we put the time in, he sold the boat at the end of the second summer without problem.

A generous offer, giving us plenty of experience, to all intents the boat was ours, remember we were 14! I will always be grateful, as will the prospective people who get to experience something they would never have had the chance to otherwise.


<hr width=100% size=1>Julian

<A target="_blank" HREF=>Cardigan Bay Cruise</A>


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11 Jan 2003
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Re: Bravo!

I am not sure where you are berthed and this is off the top of my head.

Is there some sort of sea school, teacher- training facility, near you who may just jump at the chance of 'adopting' your beauty for a couple of years. What about naval colleges, boat building and apprentice schools? I would have thought the officialdom in this respect would give you some assurance that you will get your boat back as you expect, or a moderate cash incentive.

One of our daughters sounds about the same age as yours, so I can only sympathise. Don't get rid of it dad! Please Dad, don't!

Best of luck,

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16 May 2001
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if only...

you'd been around 3 years ago! we looked for a boat to charter for an atlantic circuit but in the end built our own. the trip was great.

i'm sure there are quite a few people around who would love to take you up on it. first port of call would be the ARC forum at <A target="_blank" HREF=></A>

your big problem would be weeding out those who would return it as a wreck or not at all. for your own peace of mind you'd need a pretty powerful incentive for them to stick to the agreement (like a charge registered on their house for example).

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21 Aug 2002
Bedford, England
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Hi Dominic

I have read your posting on the forum and I am interested in your offer.

Briefly, my wife & I are negotiating to sell our business at this moment, I expect finalisation by the end of July. We will then be working on contract for say 10 days a month until next spring. Next year the house is to be sold and we will move down, freeing up capital to retire on a boat.

The downside is experience, I have the usual paper qualifications and we have sailed on charter in Greece and around the English coast for the past 7 years BUT only once or twice a year.

We therefore have no desire at this stage to launch ourselves across the Atlantic or brave too many elements, the Southern Oceon is definitely OUT !!

If this is of interest then contact me on and perhaps we can meet up, we are located near Bedford. We are both 56 in good health.

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30 May 2002
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Re: if only...

Useful comment , thanks.

I really think I must have gone daft, but it just seems a sensible think to do if the right arrangements can be made with the right people.

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New member
30 May 2002
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Re: if only...

Useful comment , thanks.

I really think I must have gone daft, but it just seems a sensible thing to do if the right arrangements can be made with the right people.

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