New member
Because I really want to KILL him/her!!!!!!!!!!
We have been fitting a spinny round wind annemometer thinghy to the Radar arch, this has taken 2 days (and I'm not finished yet, we just popped home for clean clothes and more food/forums/images/icons/laugh.gif)
You would have thought that running a cable down from the Radar arch to the Flybridge instruments would have been easy enough, wouldn't you?
OH NO!!!
a) I have had to take off the Perspex panels at the back of the flybridge.
b) I have had to take out most of the seats on the flybridge.
c) I have had to cut a large hole in the Side of the flybridge to install an inspection hatch to give me access to the cables, I managed to cut the circular hole right over a solid lump of GRP holding the Radar arch on, this means my nice circle is a sort of Circular Square with a Round inspection hatch, suggestions?
d) I have had to take the Radar off to get at the conduit that runs through the radar arch, I can't get the radar back on again cos' the threads in the arch have corroded away! Suggstions?
e) We had to put the Spinny round thing over the conduit and then drill a hole through the top of the conduit to put the cable through, Oh dear,,, We missed the conduit by an inch which resulted in us having to dig away large amounts of foamy stuff to get at the conduit which we now had to drill into sideways to put the cable in; guess what, I drilled through the Nav light and anchor light cable which are now shorting out, Grrrrrrr!!!!
f) I am now totally fed up with the whole thing and am not looking foreward to going back to finish it all off tomorrow, if indeed I do manage to finish it tomorrow!!
So if you are around Chichester area tomorrow, pop in and give us some moral support ("Toscana", P37 next to the lock/ fuel pontoon)
From MoBo Moose with the wind gauge
P.S Why do they fill radar arch's with "crusty foam stuff"?
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El Alce
We have been fitting a spinny round wind annemometer thinghy to the Radar arch, this has taken 2 days (and I'm not finished yet, we just popped home for clean clothes and more food/forums/images/icons/laugh.gif)
You would have thought that running a cable down from the Radar arch to the Flybridge instruments would have been easy enough, wouldn't you?
OH NO!!!
a) I have had to take off the Perspex panels at the back of the flybridge.
b) I have had to take out most of the seats on the flybridge.
c) I have had to cut a large hole in the Side of the flybridge to install an inspection hatch to give me access to the cables, I managed to cut the circular hole right over a solid lump of GRP holding the Radar arch on, this means my nice circle is a sort of Circular Square with a Round inspection hatch, suggestions?
d) I have had to take the Radar off to get at the conduit that runs through the radar arch, I can't get the radar back on again cos' the threads in the arch have corroded away! Suggstions?
e) We had to put the Spinny round thing over the conduit and then drill a hole through the top of the conduit to put the cable through, Oh dear,,, We missed the conduit by an inch which resulted in us having to dig away large amounts of foamy stuff to get at the conduit which we now had to drill into sideways to put the cable in; guess what, I drilled through the Nav light and anchor light cable which are now shorting out, Grrrrrrr!!!!
f) I am now totally fed up with the whole thing and am not looking foreward to going back to finish it all off tomorrow, if indeed I do manage to finish it tomorrow!!
So if you are around Chichester area tomorrow, pop in and give us some moral support ("Toscana", P37 next to the lock/ fuel pontoon)
From MoBo Moose with the wind gauge
P.S Why do they fill radar arch's with "crusty foam stuff"?
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El Alce