Anyone know Northern Light SO37 charter?


Well-known member
30 May 2001
high and dry on north island
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2 Jeanneaus one called Northern Light a SO37 the other maybe bigger and no name I could see arrived together on 'N' pontoon in Cherbourg. Judging by the huge numbers on board and the incompetent way they tied up (girl crew, the only one to help whilst the rest sat on deck nearly fell of the stern taking the stern lines over, they tied stern to) they were 2 chartered boats all together. They 'partied' at full blast including music until 04.30 this morning and kept the whole marina awake. I would love to discover the charter company and drop them a line.

Hopefully these total prats will be as sick as dogs. The Channel was pretty rough today and I do hope it wll be EXTREMELY so when said prats return.

BTW there was a Moody Rally in on 'P' pontoon, very well behaved, I do hope they don't get the blame for the charter idiots.