Any tips for short-handed sailing with a baby?


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3 Mar 2017
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My wife and I recently had a baby and since then sailing has become a bit of a challenge. None of us is particularly good at sailing single-handed, so very often we need each other's help (especially when docking etc).
Do you guys have any recommendations of, for example gear (baby seat, carrier, etc) that could help us?
I guess this will only gets worse as our baby gains mobility, so I would be very happy to hear other couples' suggestions.



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15 May 2005
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Mark Ryan who posts- Magical Armchair, I think- here did a great article in PBO about sailing with young kids on his Albin Ballad. He bought an isofix device and bolted it to the berth, to allow a standard car seat to clip in securely.

We did a couple of cruises last year when our son was around six months old. We used an old car seat with integral carry handle. This kept him safe in the dinghy, for handing up on deck, and could also be lashed into place in a corner of the cockpit. For sleeping, we rigged up a lee board from a bit of ply, and this kept him from rolling off the berth. Bathed him in a big yellow rubber tub. We also got a legless high chair that is designed to be strapped onto a chair; this was handy in the cabin, or as an alternate cockpit seat.

This season we are much more worried about what to do with him: he is far more mobile, and no longer fits in that car seat. Seats for bigger children do not have handles on them, so I don't know how we're going to keep him safe in the dinghy and for passing up on deck. Possibly a harness is the answer.

As for sailing, I made extensive use of the autohelm whilst SWMBO looked after the boy, and when we needed both adults on deck, we strapped him into the car seat.


New member
23 Jan 2003
Solent/south coast
An old car seat tied into the boat worked well for me, it could be fitted in various places on the boat but aft facing in the main cabin was the most popular so the littun' could see us and we kept an eye on him (mostly sleeping).


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10 Mar 2012
Marina Sant Elmo Alghero Sardinia
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This book is handy. We took our kids sailing in the med on flotilla from 8 weeks old. Agree that car seat facing aft is a good idea. We ratchet strapped the base to the bunk and then the seat bit just clipped in and out. Under a fan is a good idea if you can.

Once they are too big for car seat (around 9 months) the baby life jackets are great - they have a lifting Becket so you can transfer like a carrier bag. Looks undignified but totally practical!

Lots of other advice in the book for when they are mobile.

GOod luck.

Ps if nappy changing or breast feeding, lots of notice of tacks is a good idea. Ask me how I know this!