Antifoul legs or not?


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9 Jul 2001
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Boat is just about to start her third season. Legs are just beginning to look a little bit rough after scrapping two seasons of barnacles off.

Since I might be selling her next year I didn't want to antifoul the legs so any prospective owner can see the exact condition they're in. The company that antifouled the hull thought I should do the legs as well. Perhaps they were just after the extra work?

I'm worried that with more scratches on the legs this year from scrapping, barnacles will find it easier to get a grip and I could be encrusted by mid-summer.

At some point in the lifetime of a boat I guess the legs will need antifouling. How many seasons is this normally?

I think someone on the forum about this time last year someone suggested putting Lard on the legs to keep barnacles off. Did anyone try this/does it really work?


Well-known member
6 Nov 2001
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Would have thought yes is answer.You can obtain nice white stuff to do legs.There is also available a clear antifoul which comes in a spray can.Fairly expensive and mainly for outboards and the like.Prob not as good as the paint on stuff but it should slow down the growth.As to the lard lark doubt it would stay on very long and as barnycules are animals they mite consider it a tasty snack to get them attracted to your legs.