Anti-siphon vent


New member
16 May 2001
On my Moody ketch (Perkins 4.236) the cooling water anti-siphon vent (not valve) is mounted with the top of the inverted "U" approx. 30 cm above W.L. and some 75 cms off centre line. The vent itself exits on the transom more than a metre above W.L.

I´m rebuilding the interior a bit and need to find a new place for the vent.

Are there any drawbacks moving the vent further sidewards and putting it higher for reducing the risk of getting it below W.L. when heeling?
For doing this I need to extend the hoses, each about 75 cms. Can the extension cause any trouble?

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8 Feb 2002
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I also did this on mine as the anti-syphon valve was completely hidden by the foam sound insulation - in fact it was 2 years before I realised I had one! When inspected, it was knackered - all corroded up and no replacement bits available so had to replace it with a Vetus valve type. Also raised it another 15cm but as near to the centreline as possible. I managed to reuse one of the hoses but had to buy one longer hose and refitted it in the cockpit locker - I can now service it easily, and as long as the valve is cleaned annually, I've had no trouble. So far(2 years) has not 'leaked' at all - if it does in the future I will vent it to the transom. You should not get any problems with extending your existing hoses, but make sure you use Brass/Bronze/stainless joining pieces - I don't trust the 'plastic' ones you can get in chandleries(I had a 'plastic' fitting break off on the water inlet filter a year ago after I had to remove the hose to check it wasn't blocked - not easy to repair whilst bobbing around the Thames Estuary!)

<hr width=100% size=1>dickh
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