Another boaty question



Does anybody know the whereabouts of the ketch "Irina VII"? 54 foot, designed by Mylne, built by Fife in 1935. Originally rigged as a cutter and re-rigged as a ketch. Sold by the old (real) Island Cruising Club about 14 years ago. My favourite boat of all time (apart from several others, of course) - I used to work aboard her around the time of the dinosaur extinction event. I would love to know if she is still sailing. She is an absolute stunner!


Last seen by me in Torquay, where I believe she was residing, about 5 years after ICC sold her. As a former ICC skipper (1974 - 76 incl) I can go along with much of what you say. I had some very happy times with her. When rigged as a cutter she was the King of Norway's racing yacht.


Re: Now that\'s a boat

As an old Salcombe hand I remember her well. Despite it's natural attributes there has been a reduction in scenery as Salcombe is slowly loosing it's beautiful big boats. Provi's gone. Annabel J's gone to Ireland. Hoshi was there last year but up for sail. Ellese is on the ARC or some such thing. We'll have a clear view of the fuel barge at this rate.




I think the Irina has (I hope still has) one of the loveliest hulls I have ever seen. One of my most enduring sailing memories is broad reaching back from Ushant in her in a full gale - brilliant sunshine; hard, clear light; big, regular, deep blue seas, laced with white. We set only a storm jib and she behaved superbly. Or the time we sailed her through the lock at St. Malo. "Attention!" "Attention!" !!!. Or anchoring her under sail in a tight spot in Lezardrieux. The local Glanans outfit were watching and immediately came out to visit her and share our pleasure in the manoeuvre. Their subsequent hospitality was quite something! She is a wonderful boat and some of my very happiest memories are associated with her. Viva Irina!


Thanks. Mike

I wonder if she is still there. I suspect we may have met sometime in the past, although my main ICC experience is a little before the time you mention. However, I visited the ICC quite regularly in 1974, as I was working at the Plymouth sailing school that season. I would have been at ICC, but had to pay rent on a flat, so found a job that paid a bit better! What a great organisation the ICC was in those days. I had such good times and learned so much during the times I spent there. Dottie Cottee was a wonderful ally in developing my sailing career. She knew what I wanted to do and always tried to help me do it. I always think of her with gratitude.