Had a pair of 46ST's for three years now. A bit expensive, but they are excellent in use with minimum maintenance. My old Lewmars died of internal corrosion - I'll not buy aluminium ones again.
Superb! - I've had a pair of 40 ST's(bought at an excellent price at an auction) for about 3 years now, as said, minimal maintenance, I've just stripped them down for greasing etc - no wear at all. unlike the aluminum Lewmars where the rollers bear directly on the aluminum drum, thereby causing wear! What a design - Aluminum is so soft in comparison with the ss rollers you are bound to get excessive wear. WHY don't they add a ss ring for the rollers to roll against? It wouldn't cost that much more in the quantities that are made.
Just bought a pair of Anderson No 10's for my new boat and have also fitted the 40 ST's as well.
<hr width=100% size=1>dickh
I'd rather be sailing... /forums/images/icons/smile.gif
they are very good, and comparable sizes of SS against Ali they are about the same weight or lighter, you also don't need as many turns on the drum either which can be a bonus, the grip of the vertical ribs on the drum has to be experienced to be believed......keith
After 3 years use of 3 models they seem to be very reliable and when I take them apart for maintenance, they really don't seem to need attention. However, I still renew the grease. I do feel however that they have higher internal friction than the Barients we had on our last boat.