Anchoring out. Liveaboards under threat.


Well-known member
1 Dec 2005
Aground in Yorkshire awaiting a very high tide
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I don't see how taking away their homes and destroying them helps anybody...

It helps the people whose properties adjoin the mooring/anchoring fields by improving their view and security and indeed the cruising yotties who oftentimes will struggle to find a secure anchorage when passing through; we've not been to Richardson Bay, but have passed plenty of similar floating ghettos along the US east coast and on a smaller scale elsewhere too.
We've encountered very little animosity from local residents toward us as 'cruisers' passing through and anchoring off for a few days or even weeks, you're generally seen/treated as visiting guests; however, once boats begin overstaying that welcome, they soon bugger up that welcome for everyone else. As suggested by Graham376 and indeed as we're currently experiencing locally (about 40M from Appleby) just now, there's a big difference between Travellers passing through and having them set up permanent camp on your doorstep.


Well-known member
12 Jan 2003
It doesn't take much to make a formerly mobile cruiser immobile - health is one obvious reason - you find yourself among a community that brings comfort and security (perhaps) and after a while you become one of the people in the video. Not every cruiser has a large disposable income to fund the lifestyle seen in the current crop of You Tube videos. The Caribbean had a few informal 'ghettos' back in the day when I was there.
I can see the problem but I feel some sympathy towards them.


Active member
23 Jun 2009
Landlocked temporarily.
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Depressing. Very depressing.

When one considers all the myriad small and large infringements that have been happening lately it is hard not to see it as systemic attack on any life that is not subservient to the state, allowing themselves to be treated as a docile compliant and productive cash cow. I heard a new phrase this week "The Predator" class to describe those in power that are (more than ever before) robbing the coffers that are funded by the public. Of course I know this is nothing new, but it certainly seems to be getting worse as does the attack on our freedoms.

Certainly in the UK compliance is enforced with increasing state inflicted brutality. The latest Police Bill, some say, enables institutional racism and victimisation of the Romany peoples.

I have just seen the part where the digger destroys the yacht. Only a brainless fool with no comprehension of anything would do something like that for a job. A job that is probably public sector, it seems to attract those that do their job regardless of moral implications. A friend runs a community garden, recently the council sent a member of staff to cut down the flowers that had grown 10 CM too high. Meanwhile other council services are being cut, critical, important services are suffering and this is how the state responds and it is enabled by the brainless thoughtless people like the digger driver. We do not need people like that. If only more of us understood that life and community is about helping each other make things better for all.

"Resistance is futile"
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Well-known member
9 May 2009
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Thanks, was a very interesting, if depressing watch.

It’s easy for some from a safe financial standpoint, with a good family support network to brand everyone floating around out there as a hydro gypsy that needs moving on.

A few factors completely out of your control can see the wheels fall off your safe comfortable life a lot quicker than you’d think.