Gary Fox
Sunny and warm isn't the way we do things in England old chap, wash your mouth out; we're a hardy race and we positively enjoyThat's why I find it odd that so many people sail in the UK. Learning to sail in Oz was just another way to mess about in the water, with the advantage you didn't have to go home afterwards. It was most sunny, nearly always warm and always enjoyable!
battering and beating our way round our rocky islands with our strong tides, dangerous shifting banks, inhospitable coastlines and continuous onslaught of low pressure systems to keep life interesting.
Doing it in ancient wooden vessels with historic rigs is the cherry on top, which links us to our Iceni, Trininovantes and Brigantes tribal ancestors.
In my incorrigibly biased patriotic opinion, Britain is the sailing capital of the planet. Australia was charted from a Whitby collier.