650w with 850w for short bursts.Will run very basic stuff TV/DVD small drills and a few lights.Not all at once tho.
Fairly quiet and cheap to run.
[/ QUOTE ]WOW - That IS expensive - Thanks for the warning not to go to Aldi's
I presume they are made in China. The Chinese vesrion (under various brand names) is often sold in Australia for about A$150 +/-). They are two stroke. They have 240V and nominaly 12 V outlets. The instructions that they should be earthed.
Cliff, I agree with you, I expect they will be much cheaper in a week or so. Apparently they are now illegal in America due to emissions law so will be dumped on other markets.
Post cheaper source (not E bay please) I want one.
[/ QUOTE ]COSTCO were doing a little 900w 2T genny for £40. 240v + nominal 12v for battery charging etc.
As has been pointed out they will be even cheaper as the yanks will dump the 2T versions on the uk market.
Have tried two of these little gennies (got mine from Screwfix last year) found they wouldnt start after a couple of weeks in a damp garage - sent them back. Smelly things 2 strokes anyway.
Have tried two of these little gennies (got mine from Screwfix last year) found they wouldnt start after a couple of weeks in a damp garage - sent them back. Smelly things 2 strokes anyway.
[/ QUOTE ]I agree - I much prefer my 4KVA diesel genny to the wee 8 or 900w 2T units. At least I can run the toaster, microwave and fan heater at the same time without tripping something.
Have tried two of these little gennies (got mine from Screwfix last year) found they wouldnt start after a couple of weeks in a damp garage - sent them back. Smelly things 2 strokes anyway.
[/ QUOTE ]I agree - I much prefer my 4KVA diesel genny to the wee 8 or 900w 2T units. At least I can run the toaster, microwave and fan heater at the same time without tripping something.
[/ QUOTE ]
So would i if they cost the same! I imagin even in the UK a 4KW gen costs more than £40???
Ive never needed more power than my 900w produces--being Italian its called a GX1200`!! umm
No good if it wont start tho? I found mine to be a complete frustration (both of them) started when I first got it 2- 3 weeks later when retrieved for a job - nothing - no spark tried different plugs nothing. Mine were badged Wolf.
Hmm.Reason I bought one was a mate bought one from MAKRO a year or so ago,got fed up with me borrowing it and was instructed to buy my own.
Has proved able to run one of those 30 meter rope lights for several hours followed by powering the wifes TV/DVD(without which WE go nowhere) the fridge and a light or two.
At that price got to be kept out of the weather but as only for infrequent light use suspect will do the job.If the need for all weather super reliabilty occurs will nip down to the Honda shoppe and spent accordingly.
Have tried two of these little gennies (got mine from Screwfix last year) found they wouldnt start after a couple of weeks in a damp garage - sent them back. Smelly things 2 strokes anyway.
[/ QUOTE ]I agree - I much prefer my 4KVA diesel genny to the wee 8 or 900w 2T units. At least I can run the toaster, microwave and fan heater at the same time without tripping something.
[/ QUOTE ]
So would i if they cost the same! I imagin even in the UK a 4KW gen costs more than £40???
Ive never needed more power than my 900w produces--being Italian its called a GX1200`!! umm
[/ QUOTE ] Picked mine up for the cost of ½ gallon of petrol to collect it and about £25 for oil, filters and some nice yellow paint - oh yes and a 6 pack of beer which was consumed by myself and the nice gentleman who came round to get it running. - It does pay to shop or look around - there are always bargains to be had. Before any smart ar$e passes comment I even have a "receipt" for £0.00 for the genny to prove it was not nicked!