AIS on a Blackberry?

26 Apr 2010
the Cold North
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My old man has been banging on that he would like to see AIS on his Blackberry Tirch.
Not for NAv use, or even sea way use, just for nosey use :p
So, my Ipod Touch (hence an Iphone / Ipad) have an app that uses the data / internet to update, as obviously Mobiles don't have AIS radio receivers in them, but I can not find similar for the lowly corporate beastie - the Blackberry.

Any of you got such an app or idea how it can be done ?


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11 Jun 2002
Tesla in Space
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You'll have to do it via the Torch browser, via one of the many online AIS websites available as Boomshanker has shown, but the Torch browser is not exactly lightning fast, so it could be quite a slow experience and not show a great deal of detail compared to looking at the same sort of site on a larger screen laptop or computer, so you'd have to zoom in and out a lot. Your old man may find it an interesting exercise to try, but I doubt he'd use it daily

I haven't seen an AIS app for the Torch, but as ever this forum always finds things people haven't seen before! :)
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