Advice on replacing a Volvo MD11C with a MD17C


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18 Jul 2004
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I plan to change my current Volvo MD11C for a MD17C on my Westerly Longbow, vintage 1978. Any tips or advice would be most welcome. I am a new boy to the net, so if I blunder, please put me straight. Many thanks, Stopo.


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30 May 2001
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My advice is DON'T!!

Bin your Volvo & fit a Kutota, I fitted a replacement for my MD2
in my Centaur & it's brilliant. Lighter, runs smoother & spared don't cost the earth.


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16 May 2001
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Have to ask why you are doing it?

It sounds like an odd swap - the MD17 is more powerful, so I imagine bigger and heavier than the MD11. That could make problems fitting it , and will mean new propellor and possibly a bigger shaft - none of which is cheap.

If you are going to the trouble and expense of replacing the engine, it would seem better in the long term to get a more modern engine.


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18 Jul 2004
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In answer to your question as to why I want to swap engines. The oil pump is unreliable,in that the presure valve keeps sticking open. (The valve housing is becoming oval). There is a noticable drop in power, which I suspect, is more than a decoke would put right. It realy needs to be overhauled on a bench. On enquiring the price of replacement parts from our dear (!) friends at Volvo Penta I realised that it would be cheaper to replace the engine.

Although The MD17 is a three cylinder job (mine is two) it appears to have the same foorprint as the Md11. It uses the same prop shaft, but has a larger prop (17" dia as opposed to my 14") The larger prop comes with the deal.
So why not, I thought. I sail out of Portsmouth harbour and need a realiable donk to get me home, and many of the Longbows were originally fitted with MD17's.


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16 May 2001
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The fact that it is a standard fit on other Longbows must take most of the worry out of it. Why not try to have a look at such an installation - any significant differences from your own should be obvious.

There may of course still be an issue with the mounting and alignment of the engine, and it may be that you need a longer or shorter shaft.

I'm surprised that you've only got a 14" prop on the MD11C, given that you have room to swing a larger one - do you know what the pitch is? I have a 14" on my MD2B, and that is not a happy match - it simply can't handle the power so I doubt if I can use as much as 15HP - but that's another story.


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18 Jul 2004
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with regards to prop pitch. It would appear that both the MD11C and the MD17C have the same pitch of 11 inches.
I down loaded this information from "my" There is a table headed prop size chart. Hope this may be of some help.