Don't worry, it wont be long before this government taxes the wind and then they will be laughing on the other side of their faces.
In fact, I'm going to start a campain to get tax implemented on the wind. Somewhere in the region of £30 per hour of use should do it. Then no one can have a boat and we'll all be really happy.
PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE can all threads containing the words "Red Diesel" be moved to the Red Diesel forum, where those still interested can slowly rotate in ever decreasing circles until they disappear up their own sterndrives (apologies to those with shafts...).
I know it's important, and I know it's an emotive issue but this continual ranting & raving which has already resulted in one "resignation" isn't achieving anything.
Rant over.
Nurse, can you bring some more of those nice tablets please???
<hr width=100% size=1>"I am a bear of very little brain and long words bother me" - A A Milne.