AA route planner


Well-known member
11 Jun 2002
Tesla in Space
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Whole bunch of people in the 'navigation software yahoo groups thingy' from these forums who'd beta test it for you!

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30 Sep 2002
Channel Islands
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I might even take them up on it - but not until the install is rock solid!

It's one thing for my tech guys to install stuff by hand - it's altogether another matter for non experts.

I'll have to go and find my way round Yahoo - I've always passed it by thinking it didnt offer me too much.

We've already had input from a racing skipper, and a Clipper RTW skipper. We also tested on a race to La Rochelle last year, and I'll probably take it on this years Fastnet (if I can make up the balance of the crew). I think it's a falacy to assume that speed only matters to racers - even the cruising guy's want to get to the lock, the restaurant or the bar...

I also ran a Nelson (what else would a raggie run) for about 10 years - so I have a modicum of knowledge of the MoBo point of view.

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Well-known member
11 Jun 2002
Tesla in Space
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The groups is at <A target="_blank" HREF=http://groups.yahoo.com/group/gps-navigator/>http://groups.yahoo.com/group/gps-navigator/</A>

Just give me a holler if you want beta testers. Doesn't even have to be rock solid, this bunch are IT literate and like playing. Lots of software being installed and experimented with, and electronic charts scanned and swapped to try out in different PC route planning software.

The idea sounds great by the way.

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30 Sep 2002
Channel Islands
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Thanks - I' joined up and subscribed! That was a big help.

I don't know that I'm into all this chart sharing sound very dodgy - but I am a bit pedantic about licensing - bit like fouling my own doorstep to side step licensing costs<g>.

I'll keep an eye on what's going on - and as soon as we have a half viable install, I'll post a message and see who's interested.

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Well-known member
11 Jun 2002
Tesla in Space
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I'm in IT so also pedantic about licensing, and not into that side of it. However, without defending them, a lot of the chart sharing if you look is of areas like the Baltics, scanned from charts so they can be input into mapping programs that take bitmap and such like. Not quite the same as cracking programs, and largely to test out programs and see how well they work.

I would say that a lot of people like to know what they are buying and the only way we can get a good idea of many of these programs is to try them out, or to take recommendations from people that use them. There aren't magazines devoted to testing them and airing likes and dislikes. Most people are happy to buy software they like and think is of value.

Beta testing is a great way of getting people enthusiastic about programs, and spreading the word.

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New member
30 Sep 2002
Channel Islands
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Oh - I'm all in gavour of trialware and beta testing - it was the sharing of scanned charts that concerned me. Although it's technically illegal - I dont really have a problem with using scans of your own charts - thats just like recording a CD so you can use it in the car technically wrong bu, I would suggest, not morally wrong...

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Chart - GPS Nav Group ...

Raggie / Egg-beater / Oil Guzzler ... what ever doesn't matter .... I enjoy all types of boats etc.

I would like to correct any mis-information about the group that I set up recently and offer its services .... I strated a group recently to get people talking to each other about GPs and Charting matters - to increase peoples knowledge and use of them. There was no intention to break any commercial or legal aspects .... someone has to pay the bills to develop software etc. But as someone else said on this thread - there is no one out there comparing / talking / testing software to allow possible purchasers information to make informed and good decision on what they want / what they pay etc. I started various people in the group on testing and reporting on various shareware / professional and yachtuing versions of software that they had already bought / obtained or whatever. The group does not promote or advertise or invite breaking the law ... if any software / product or other is made available to others in the group - that is a private affair and not the groups.

All are invited to increase the pool of knowledge and experience ... even the jokes are accepted to keep things lively !!! It does not matter if you have a boat or not, it does not matter what that boat is ... dinghy, motor, raggie, floating skip ... who cares.

We test, we talk about it, we cross maybe into grey areas .... but at the end of the day we increase peoples awareness and I am sure that a few copies of various software have been retailed based on what our group have done ..... The membership is rising all the time and is very active ..... we try to sort out the problems, we advise, we are sensible people trying to get ahead fairly and improve the SQ .....

<hr width=100% size=1>Nigel ...
Bilge Keelers get up further ! I only came - cos they said there was FREE Guinness !