And a Happy New year to you and yours.
Very envious of your location I would love to have my time again in order to emigrate to Oz. xmas on the beach must be fantastic.
<hr width=100% size=1>Play the best game you can with the cards you've been dealt ! ! !
And another very Happy New Year from the Antipodes to all. The good, the bad and the ugly of you (don't think that leaves anyone out) are all a great bunch and deserve a prosperous 2004.
Had my annual shower already but still working on the resolution bit.
Yup, all sewn back in for the year, and am well organised with last year's undies already turned into dish cloths ready for dishwashing day in June!
Went for long woolly pink Long Johns this year with matching upper in case I decide to get into dog sledding and have a go at sailing up to Alaska (keeping it boaty) and entering the Iditarod - bit hot in the summer but at least one can just walk around in the Long Johns and top when it is hot and still look quite respectable, whereas last years short khaki ones were not very becoming with nothing over them.
Please don't think MainlySteam is typical of Antipodeans. Remember he's from NZ. Aussies are quite fragrant in comparison. /forums/images/icons/smile.gif
OzGirl, I had a giggle to myself the evening after I made the above post.
On TV they were talking to various visitors to NZ and they were interviewing an English couple. Lo and behold the Englishman had a pair of LongJohns on underneath his shorts with the intention of keeping the insects off his legs! Don't know if he was sewn into them though.