A new player in the Foul Weather Gear market...


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15 Feb 2003
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i think all the layers together are the "goretex"

the gore company supplies it complete.., the garment maker is not doing any laminating.

The pieces i had replaced were covered under gore's warranty to the garment maker - gore guarantees that the material will not delaminate

my replaced pieces include:

dubarry boots
Musto MPX salopettes
Kokatat dry suit - replaced _twice_

all because the goretex delaminated causing the garment to leak.

I also had a henri LLoyd jacket delaminate, but they wouldn't do anything about it except offer 25% off a new one - which anyone can find...

i just think that maybe goretex isn't well suited to the marine environment, and something new is needed
It is odd how different people have different experiences. I have used Goretex garments for about 20 years for sailing, skiing, hiking and cycling. The only one that has leaked was a ten years old Henri Lloyd jacket, but it had been used heavily and I felt it didn’t owe me anything, so I did not hesitate to buy its then current replacement, which seven years later still serves me well.
And then there is my windstopper fleece, another Gore material, which I’m truly addicted to, and of which I have had several, all of which have finally fallen apart through heavy use, but have retained their ‘windproofness’ to the very end. In fact, I can’t bring myself to throw them away, so I will still use them on the boat and in the garden regardless of their appearance.