A Brokerage with a Difference


Well-known member
11 Nov 2005
Sant Carles de la Ràpita
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Some of you will know that we’ve been selling our Sealine T51 with the aim of buying a bigger boat and moving to the Mediterranean. As it seems from the posts on this forum, large boats are quite difficult to sell – especially in the UK with the ever looming problems over Red Diesel.

Out of all the depression comes a little ray of light – especially for those of you who own Sealines. We tried various different approaches, but the final deed was done using a broker. Having tried several different options, we settled on Solent Motor Yachts – mainly because they seemed to know about Sealines but also because we liked the people. We weren’t disappointed either. Right from the outset, it felt right and just a matter if time before they succeeded. The final sale was a chain of three boats so, like selling houses, the deal needed continually following up.

They recently seem to have had a bit of a rough ride with Sealine themselves and now with Fairline moving in next door but I’m sure it will be Fairline that will have the shock when they realise that they have real competition on their doorstep.

Anyway, we are VERY happy with Solent Motor Yachts. They have always been very professional – the office is always manned (7 days a week) and Geraint, the guy I’ve been dealing with, always answers my emails promptly. They know the industry well, especially used Sealines and they use skippers that are well known to this forum for all their sea trials etc.

Sorry if this sounds like a bit of a plug for Solent Motor Yachts – but it is – and I’m not ashamed of it either – credit where credit is due. These guys know what they are talking about.

So, if you’ve got a Sealine or want to buy one – these are the people to talk to. Have a look at www.solentmotoryachts.com and you will see what I mean.

So, today was a sad day. As the money hit the bank account we now realise that we are boatless but for us, it’s off now to buy a bigger boat.

Does anyone else have any experience with these guys?


Active member
20 Apr 2004
Congratulations on the sale Mike. So do you have a short list, or even a long list, of boats you're looking at next? It may be worth asking MDL about their policy on boat length / berth length. In France it seems generally accepted that you can exceed the berth length by 10%, so on your 20m berth you could maybe have a 22m boat /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif

Anyway, congrats again, and come on down to the med, the water's lovely .. /forums/images/graemlins/cool.gif


Well-known member
21 Jun 2004
Anglesey Wales
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Good Post.
Credit where Credit is Due.
Nowt wrong with that.
I have been in Retail all My life.
20 Years of it at the Sharp End of the Motor Trade.
Operations like Solent Motor Yachts , who seem to have conducted themselves in an efficient and proffesional manner, as far as you have been concerned.
Appear to be the acception rather than the Norm from comments on here and My limited experience of buying from Brokers/ Dealers in the boat game.
Good for You and Well Done from them.
And it's Goonight from Me.
As One of the Ronnies used to say!


Well-known member
11 Nov 2005
Sant Carles de la Ràpita
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Thanks Nick

P61 is at the top of the list at the moment but we are about to move house so things arent pressing at the moment. Sant Carles wont be ready until April next year as well.



Active member
4 Apr 2005
Looking out of the window
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Great post Mike,

I agree that where credit is due we should be hapy to shout it from the rooftops.

I hope all goes well with the house move, just remember to keep those stuck in the Home Counties posted!!!!!!!!


New member
30 Nov 2005
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Well done on the close of this chapter.

I also agree about giving credit where it's due as you know. It's so easy for boat brokers and car dealers to get labelled as all the bloody same. I don't believe they are at all it's just the same ol' story that the cowboys in all trades make it difficult for the good guys. /forums/images/graemlins/mad.gif

Anyhow, looking forward to Chapter II /forums/images/graemlins/cool.gif


Well-known member
8 May 2006
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We delt with Geraint and Tom when we were looking for a new (used) boat in feb/march.

They were extremely helpful and prompt in their business, it was really nice dealing with nice people. We eventually found the right boat elsewhere but they followed up our search, in good spirit, even after we had let them know that we had proceeded with another broker.

Thumbs up!