5girlsinaboat say thank you

Sans Bateau

Well-known member
19 Jan 2004
Visit site
I handed over £400.00 to Sue Rutter on Monday eve, a mixture of Sterling and Euro. Some of you who had been unable to attend have contacted me to make a donation. I thank you all. Below is a copy of the email that Sue sends to you with her own thanks.

I would also like to thank bignick for adopting the charity on this years Cherbourg run and Tom (tome) for geting the photo up on the screen for me!


Dear Scuttlebutt Members,

'5girls in a boat' would like to say a big THANK YOU for your recent
collection at your 2005 Cherbourg Rally. Stephen Price kindly presented us
with your donation on Monday evening. We will be passing your donations onto
our two very deserving beneficiaries for this year, The Royal Marsen Cancer
Campaign and Sail 4 Cancer.

Many thanks again and Happy Sailing!

Best wishes,

Susan Rutter
Project Manager/
Chairman of the Board of Trustees

Registered charity number: 1105722
Patron: Lady Pippa Blake