Happy birthday! So you're just a pup after all, I thought you had to be at least 45 to own a hillyard! But I'm sorry, can't cheer you up, it's all down hill from here! /forums/images/icons/wink.gif
Being 40+ is great. They say life begins at 40, and quite correct, cos from about now loads of half-known relations die and leave loads of dosh for buying nice boats. Also, you can now trample over children in the supermarket and their mums say "get out of theway of that man!"
Know what you mean - I was depressed at 30 and 40 but try not to be - I make myself feel better by playing tennis and still managing to be competitive with younger players (although they don't see the toll it takes next day!).
I heard on Radio 4 that today's 30s are the same as yesterdays 20s, and todays 40 are yesterdays 30s... so you're actually only 30! ...it has to be true 'cause it was on R4.
I fact after the shock had passed I really prefered being older, seriously... Now at 48 Im starting to get worried about being 50... but of course Ill only really be 40!
Depressing ? Shout your age from the rooftops . Be proud of it !!! Think of those years that have gone to make you what you are today . Think of all the experiences you've had . If you've not had any then get out and get them now cos by the time you're 50 you'll be REALLY depressed.
P.S. I was 50 this year. Your sense of perspective changes. Instead of thinking how depressing it will be at 60 you think you'll be grateful if you make it.
You're a youngster - set a few targets for each couple of years. Whatever turns you on - visit the Azores by 43; YM by 45; transatlantic by 47; Fastnet before 50...
whatever excites or challenges you!
Nah, gotta disagree with that. Gordon will make sure that you will never get to be a milloinaire, if your self employed you dont stand a chance. He looks into your account and takes it all as tax whilst telling you that you are middle England and can easily afford to pay.
Wojer mean we pay too much tax? Take the case of an honest British artisan. You've paid 40% to the man with the advert in the top right hand corner on the lolly you earn (if you aren't paying 40% you are definitely not earning enough). You comission the artisanto fettle a wossname for your boat and pay 17.5 % VAT for the privilege. He pays 40% on the money he earns from you and his turnover isn't high enough to VAT register - significant number of plumbers, shipwrights and the like fall into this category. On some transactions where most of the money is paid for skill and little for the materials Gordon and the boys will be earning around 97.5% . Who says crime doesn't pay?
I'm going to refuse to be 40. I've been 35 for the three and a half years since I was 35 and when I can't get away with that any more I'm going to be young at heart. Then I'm going to be the subject of a medical paper on Perpetual Adolescence and the Preservative Effects of Alcohol and Amoral Behaviour. )