4,000 Posts Of Rubbish


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8 Nov 2002
Gerrards Cross
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Congratulations on this achievement Haydn - never find your posts rubbish but always amusing and interesting .............. although not so hot on the speillige :)


<hr width=100% size=1>Just can't understand why I'm not allowed to bring my new dinghy into the house.....


Well-known member
19 Dec 2001
St Neots
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Congrats on the endless sream of drivel /forums/images/icons/smile.gif/forums/images/icons/smile.gif may it long continue

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Well-known member
19 Dec 2001
St Neots
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Congrats on the endless sream of drivel /forums/images/icons/smile.gif/forums/images/icons/smile.gif may it long continue

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Well-known member
11 Jun 2002
Tesla in Space
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Well, I think that for this special occasion, you should sit yourself down, compose yourself, have a few drinks, and bleedin well recreate that mythical exploding bog post that is mythical in its significance!

Congrats you old bugger. Keep on posting, we seem to have lost tcm temporarily to the dark side, so it's up to you now.

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Well-known member
30 May 2001
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You'll notice that so far there's been no further response from HLB, that's cos at 9pm he goes off to the pub, extra celebrations for him tonite, expect he'll have hitched up Harry and trotted off into the nite.

Don't expect any sense from him when he returns, Harry does all the after hours postings. /forums/images/icons/smile.gif

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Well-known member
11 Jun 2002
Tesla in Space
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Well Harry can drag him out of the pub for this occasion, and with any luck, the extra lubrication will persuade him to recreate the mythical post for those of us that never experienced it first hand

I'll keep bugging him at 5000 and 6000 postings if he doesn't do it now ;)

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11 Dec 2001
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Is it really only 4,000? I seem to have been reading his rubbsih for a lifetime, could have sworn it must have been at least 10,000 posts.

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16 May 2001
Any Pub Lancashire or Wales
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The.Exploding bog. As I have said many times. I can never repeat that post. It came direct from the heart. Great pitty kim lost it. But could never do it again.

<hr width=100% size=1> <font color=blue> Haydn


New member
9 Jul 2001
Thames - non tidal
Sorry old chap but 4000 posts and you think they are all rubbish - don't seem to see many others saying otherwise - see I like standards and look the folk gathered here abouts for good advice and that I've had too - oh and a good burgee from you self - it's seen the winter out well suck at the top of my VHF which it shouldn't be I surpose /forums/images/icons/wink.gif

so what am I trying to say with all due respect - here's to the next 4000 and to hoping that you and others think they are of some value to folk - after all that what this forum is for isintit /forums/images/icons/smile.gif


<hr width=100% size=1>cooking on gas - no way - running on diesel /forums/images/icons/wink.gif


16 May 2001
Any Pub Lancashire or Wales
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Cant explore mithical posts. And anyway HarrY is asleap. So am I shortly. You will all have to guess at the excrement that went before........../forums/images/icons/laugh.gif

<hr width=100% size=1> <font color=blue> Haydn


16 May 2001
Any Pub Lancashire or Wales
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Re: Isnt It A Pity

When we found this place donkeys years ago. Every one had loads of tales to tell. Years and years of experiences. The exploding bog being only one of them. I cant recreate the exploding bog now. It had to come from the heart, mouth, nose!! And anyway it was done in a different time. Doubt if it would have the same impact today. But what has happened to all the tales we used to tell. Voyages half way round the country, parking up in little harbours, cooking with blow lamps. Every one today just seem to cross the solent and go to Yarmouth or Cowes. Or there in the Med. But nothing Interesting seems to happen now. Does anyone still have an anchor?? Are the places still there. Or have they built a marina over it. Or have we learned more sence. For instance. Theres loads of folk here abouts from Wales. But who's visited Bardsey island. A Wonderfull place. Been often. No one else seems to have. Who's been to Port Patrick. First place in Scotland, and crabbed in against the current? It would seem that only me and Long John has ever been to Agatha Chrispys place for a pint. Or Hope Cove. Padstow, now theres a place worth seeing. Long Johns got one up on me here. He's been to the Silly Isles. Thats special. So come on you lot. Dont want no more tales of loitering about int Solent. Less of course you want me to wax liricals about circleing Plymouth Sound. So every one bugger off some where exiting this summer and come and tell us the tale. Why does everyone stop at Lyme Bay. Why does everyone come here and ask about it. Then do nothing. I've crossed it loads of times. A few times most years anyway. Only bad thing about it is arriving in the Solent at the other end!! I never bother with a special weather forcast and lets face it, theres only one time to set off. It's usually about 11AM after breakfast and when you've got over the night before. OK you might slosh around a bit round the headlands. Bit of green sea over the top. But it only takes about three hours, so still loads of time for a pint before tea.

<hr width=100% size=1> <font color=blue> Haydn


New member
27 Jan 2003
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You said it Haydn, what we are thought anyway/forums/images/icons/smile.gif

<hr width=100% size=1><A target="_blank" HREF=http://www.suncoastmarine.co.uk>Sun Coast Sea School & Charter</A>


New member
21 Jan 2003
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if you post rubbish Haydn, the rest of us havn't a chance. well done and keep up the good work, i for one more than appreciate your constructive contributions particularly on the humour front!!!!! thanks, people like yourself make this site worth visiting.(pm me and i'll tell you where to send the cheque)

<hr width=100% size=1><P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by gonfishing on 08/03/2003 23:40 (server time).</FONT></P>


Well-known member
11 Jun 2002
Tesla in Space
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Re: Isnt It A Pity

I've been across Lyme Bay several times, always to Salcombe. Doesn't seem worth posting about compared the experiences of others? Salcombe is as far as I can reasonably go in a weekend in a 21'er, though I do potter about into Hope Cove and other little spots where I used to go motor boating as a teenager, once I get there.

This year I'm planning on doing some week or two week trips. Normally, I have so little holiday, that I travel abroad. Can't make my mind up whether to go by sea to West Country, or to get the trailer out of the farm yard, have it serviced, and head up to West Coast Scotland, maybe stopping off at Loch Lomond. Either trip would be worth posting about.

You talk about water coming over your boat, windscreen,flybridge.. I can only put my drysuit on in those conditions, and think that a trip down the Solent or through the Needles or North Channel at 5knts in a force 6/7 is a real adventure. Or meetin up with the club at Chichester, and cancelling the trip to Brighton as too rough (I'd just come from Lymington single handed) and when we headed off to Bembridge, the Windy 31'er had someone injure themselves in the rough conditions and headed back...or coming out of the Hamble with club boats bigger than mine when they decided it's too rough to go out. They bugger off back up to Southampton, and I merrily totter of home to Lymington, and have a great time in waves taller than my boat, so I have to zig zag up and down them. Which I've done several times

Not worth writing about though, as you'd not think much about it.I've also done Hamble to Yarmouth at 44knts flat out. Not many boaters have done that either, but again it's not worth posting about. Nor the time I did around the Island in just over an hour in flat calm. Who cares, apart from me with a smile on my face.

What is worth talking about is when on my second trip at sea we planed through North Channel coming home just in spitting distance of the beach with waves and water slamming everywhere. Whole fleet of us. Bloody rough too. I think everyone would have given up if we hadn't been together. But that taught me I could do it by myself, which was handy, as I've done it numerous times since

(NB. For those that are thinking about joining Pathfinder, what I do on my own is for my own amusement. The events with the club: it's only the experienced or confident ones that go through the really rough stuff. We go to great lengths to ensure that smaller boats and less experienced members have a smooth ride round St Cats, St Alban, Needles and North Channel etc, though it's always going to get rough sometimes)

So, my experiences are such that I don't tend to post about them, cos they're so normal compared to what the rest of you do, but they exhilarate me, and I love them

PS France is a def this year, and may do CI if weather window coincides with a week or two holiday

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