vyv_cox's latest activity

  • vyv_cox
    vyv_cox replied to the thread Horizontal or Vertical?.
    I once had a similar problem with an electric toilet, although that had a close-coupled horizontal motor. Washing the motor out in fresh...
  • vyv_cox
    vyv_cox replied to the thread Horizontal or Vertical?.
    My original Maxwell windlass was vertical by their description. When we found ourselves permanently berthed in a Greek marina equipped...
  • vyv_cox
    I used a 16kg Delta on a 35ft yacht for many years cruising Irish Sea, English Channel, North Sea and Baltic. In all those years it...
  • vyv_cox
    Silicone inhibits the cure of many sealants, costings and paints. It is very difficult to remove totally.
  • vyv_cox
    My son owned one. Remarkable to sail, highly responsive to every tiny wind change. Very uncomfortable below due to the limited height...
  • vyv_cox
    vyv_cox replied to the thread Calorifier maintenance.
    The importance of ensuring that the engine antifreeze is kept in good condition cannot be over-emphasized. I know of several calorifiers...
  • vyv_cox
    vyv_cox replied to the thread Prop Speed.
    Your SDS seems to be far more comprehensive than mine😀
  • vyv_cox
    vyv_cox replied to the thread Marking anchor rode.
    I also use cable ties for my kedge warp.
  • vyv_cox
    vyv_cox replied to the thread Marking anchor rode.
    Red and yellow cable ties for me. I find that if the ties are left loosely around the chain links they last much longer.
  • vyv_cox
    vyv_cox reacted to NormanS's post in the thread Anchor Windlass Battery Question with Like Like.
    I think that some here are looking at it from a motorboat perspective, and some from a sailing perspective. Obviously with a motor boat...
  • vyv_cox
    vyv_cox replied to the thread Prop Speed.
    Does not alter the fact that they do not contain the same ingredients, which answers the question asked.
  • vyv_cox
    vyv_cox replied to the thread Prop Speed.
    Propspeed say it is silicone based but their MSDS sheet says Phosphoric Acid -Butoxyethanol Velox, MSDS sheet says...
  • vyv_cox
    vyv_cox replied to the thread Prop Speed.
    My account of many years' experience with Velox in Greece can be found here Propeller antifouling with Velox
  • vyv_cox
    vyv_cox replied to the thread Paint stripper on gel coat.
    I stripped paint off a grp deck using methylene chloride. It softened the gelcoat in places, sufficiently that I removed some of the...
  • vyv_cox
    On the web page address written on my mooring I say: Pick-up The owner understands that, in an emergency, any expedient technique may...