Recent content by tripleace

  1. tripleace

    I'm looking for a 12v plug & socket

    Re: I\'m looking for a 12v plug & socket we use the small 3 pin (round pin) type. similar to the old fashion pre square 240 volt pins.
  2. tripleace

    Are BMW engines in Fairline Corniche a problem??

    I heard that BMW engines can suffer from overheating and the heads warp..
  3. tripleace

    Buying via brokerage outstanding finance!

    YOU MUST HAVE THE FULL PAPER TRAIL FROM NEW. EVERY INVOICE ALL THE WAY DOWN. IF NOT WALK AWAY. I speak from experience. There is a SAMLL boat dealer on the Thames near Shepperton that will sell your boat and providing the boat is still kept at his small marina he will claim it is still for...
  4. tripleace

    Handheld GPS units

    sorry figure trouble. the price will be below £45.00 pounds all depends on quantity we buy in and shipping cost. I would hope that £35.00 would be the target price but £45.00 is an upper limit to guage what is acceptable. early days. first thing is to get 50 or so units over to test and...
  5. tripleace

    Handheld GPS units

    Thanks for the comments. I've been a lerker for the past few months. had a tough year.(2004).. lost my dear ole dad last april and boating was the last thing on my mind.
  6. tripleace

    Handheld GPS units

    Would you buy a handheld GPS unit with these specs? I do not have the units so its not selling. don't ask for one. I have been offered a business oppurtunity to sell these units later in the year. just a bit of research. Retail price : £45.00 1. coordinates for 100s of worldwide...
  7. tripleace

    Buffer polisher

    Bosch PEX400AE Multi Sander with Buffing attachment I have used this for many years.
  8. tripleace

    bl#@*y boats

    I know this may sound stupid but is the boat in gear. Try moving gear shift to make sure its in neutral. This can have the same effect as a kill switch
  9. tripleace

    Con Men?

    Yes we have had an offer from a swiss guy offering swiss franc in cash. wanted us to wash money for him... apparently expensive cars and boats are target for this sort of thing. beware : money laundering has a prison sentence attached to those that get caught.
  10. tripleace

    NEW MBY and IPS

    Re: I wasn\'t at the Volvo launch... I'm sure you could fit an air bag type arrangement that would inflate if the leg broke off? knowing volvo it would need replacing every few months and recharging. it would be easy to put a timer on the airbag and thus the broken off leg could flot to...
  11. tripleace

    When buying a new boat...

    a few demo boats on the Thames are new but have been in stock and in the water for a great deal of time. check build number on age of boat. it may be unused but 18 months old and been in the water all that time <hr width=100% size=1><A target="_blank"...
  12. tripleace

    where are all the Broom owners?

    we are alive and kicking and enjoying our boats <hr width=100% size=1><A target="_blank" HREF=> Broom 38 details</A>
  13. tripleace

    Does anyone know what a "Williamsons Turn is?

    Re: Does anyone know what a \"Williamsons Turn is? yes it works > turbo 36 at full grunt comes straight back down the line. <hr width=100% size=1><A target="_blank" HREF=> Broom 38 details</A>
  14. tripleace

    Winter Mooring on the Thames

    I have a Broom 38 and we are at Goring. no problem with height as long as you lower radar arch. suggest you also checl lock closure dates. some close for repairs during the winter months and you can get locked into a stretch until repairs are finished. <hr width=100% size=1><A...
  15. tripleace


    Can a sealine hull take that sorted of punishment? Most good boats do suffer hull fractures at some time in their life and at 40 knots what sort of state will it be in in say 3 years? <hr width=100% size=1><A target="_blank" HREF=> Broom...